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equipment, NPCs, and stuff

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equipment, NPCs, and stuff

Post by Ned Flanders »


Just curious how some of you are playing the game with respect to the subject of this thread.

Did you committ to certain NPCs early on in the game and stick with the same party or do you mix and match on a consistent basis.

Along with that, how do you equip all of the NPCs in the game. If you're committed to a few NPCs, do you strip the other ones to nothing and have them run around the Ebon Hawk in their undies. Carth and Bastila, alone on the bridge, enchani armor, jedi robes, sabers and blasters scattered across the floor............alas, I digress.

I ask because it seems there is an abundance of equipment that goes unused in the game. I suppose it is similar to all other CRPGs where shops are full of junk. The most glaring example to me is all the armor present in the early game. It seems that with four jedi, two droids, and wookie, there are only three characters in the game who actually wear armor, excluding the plating for the droids.

On top of that it seems most of the best equipment is what the NPCs come with. I'm still using Zaalbar's bowcaster, mission's vibroblade, Canderous' repeating blaster.

Granted, it's still pretty early in the game for me and it looks like a lot of you here have finished the game. I've only seen Taris, Dantooine, and finished up with Tatooine last night. There's probably a lot of game left to see and a lot of equipment to find and/or buy so perhaps this is a bit premature. Still, it seems thus far that equipment for sale isn't as good as some of the starting equipment for NPCs.
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Post by Idioteque »

I actually do have everyone in their undies on the Ebon Hawk just to have all the inventory on me at all times and speed things up. I try to keep only the things I reallisticallt might use and sell the rest.
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Post by gomichigan24 »

well ive played through the game twice and the first time i used mostly bastilla and carth. the second time i used jolee and bastilla
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Post by GuitarSam »

i mainly use jolee and bastila or juhani and bastila but sometimes i use canderous or someone else as well. i prefer teh 3 jedi thing because theyre unstoppable at close range. I do like haveing some support in the back like canderous with his repeating blaster or zalbaar with his bowcaster, i hate carth though. i try to keep everyone naked cept my jedis. Hope that helped.
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Post by jennabard »

My favorite set up is either Jolee and Juhani or Carth and Jolee.

Carth- Carth's and Bendak's blaster, later replace Carth's blaster for Cassius Fett's blaster. Make sure his dex is high enough to negate any penalties wearing Mandorlorian armour or if you have the money, get Cassius Fett's Armour.

Bastila-Other than upgrading her lightsaber for added attack and damage bonus, I usuallly leave her alone.

Mission- Give her Zalbarr's bowcaster and whatever light aroumr that adds to her dex and keep her in the back.

Zalbarr- He is a waste if you use him with a range weapon. Equip him with Becca's sword, have him master dueling or two weapon fighting, dex implants (he is a scout) and let him go. With his strength, he tends to kill opponents with one hit.

Jolee- give him master jedi robes, strength guantlets and use him as a jedi support.

Juhani- master jedi robes and strength guantlets and watch her slaughter your foes

Canderous- I tend not to use him, Carth's a better range fighter having a higher dex

I don't use the droids unless I need their skills for other than fighting

The best equipment in the game is the Star Forge Jedi Robes, Just make sure you have enough computer spikes for it.
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Post by Idioteque »

I mostly go with my Jedi, Bastilla and Zaalbar all dual wielding. I substitute Mission or the droid for Zaalbar when I need some special skills. Am I the only one who finds ranged weapons ridiculously useless?
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Post by Lord Revan »

Once you get to fighting Sith Masters and what not, blasters are absolutely pointless. They'll just run up and cut you down. Of course sometimes a good ranged support character is good, as long as the enemy isn't hitting you from all sides, i.e. Star Forge.
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Post by Léah »

I used Bastilla all the time until I lost her. Until Bastilla was kidnapped, I used Carth and Bastilla. Then I realized Canderous' regeneration capacity and used Canderous/Bastilla.
Once Bastilla was kidnapped, I started using Juhani to have another Jedi. I realized she was a pretty good fighter and wished I had been using her all along. The main reason I hadn't been is because I didn't like her personality and her annoying Russia... I mean Cathar accent. Shallow, I know.
I never used Zalbaar except on Kashyyk. And I didn't use Jolee much because Kashyyk was the last planet I visited. And I couldn't stand his neverending "old coot" references.
Also, I didn't use one stimulant the entire game. I probably would've had a much easier time of it, but I just never bothered. And once I got the heal power, I hardly used medpacs either.
I agree with the previous statement that ranged weapons are almost useless. I don't think I used blasters much at all. Lightsabers are far more useful. And the Poison sword of Naga Sadow became Carth's best friend. I pretty much went melee the whole game.
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Post by dirvish »

With regards to equipment, i usually strip all the characters and equip them only when i leave the ebon hawk with them. I never used Mission, Zaalbar or the translator droid found in Tatooine in the game except for the start coz i thought they were pretty useless. I always have one jedi with me, usually Bastila and either the T3 droid if i need specialized services or Canderous for his long range and regen. I just found at on my 2nd time playing the game that you don't need to pick most of the locks you can bash most of them, or just use a security spike since you can have Mission make them in the Ebon Hawk. The best melee weapon IMHO is Bacca's blade and i always have my char carry that, and a fully upgraded lightsaber on the other hand
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Post by Idioteque »

About equipment I was just wondering who is roleplaying and actually wearing the Jedi robe? My Jedi is still wearing armor, I know it restricts some powers like Speed but my character is a soldier at heart and I can't force myself to drop my armor class by 5.
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Post by gomichigan24 »

I always use a robe cause i like to be able to use my force powers. If you are lightside Ulic Del Droma's robes on Korribaan arent bad and also the starforge robes or Darth Revans robes.
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Post by fable »

Speaking of Juhani, has anybody noticed any problems with her if you do use her dark side powers? Personally, I've stuck with Bastila and Ordo (if I'm going for power) or Bastila and Mission (if I need a mix of power and skills).
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Post by DivinerSage »

I definently change parties often!!! and heres why..

1.)I made each character proficient in something different
my little droid has his computer and security skills WAY up with his intelligence bossted as well, Mission has her demolitions and stealth up, Canderous has his ranged weapons up, Bastila has her heal and force suppression up, juhani has force push drain life up, my main character has his force valor force resistance and stun up Zalbaar has his repair and strength.

I bring Zalbaar to Kashyyk for his wookie help, I use my little droid anytime I need computers and security hacked(to save spikes ). I use mission to recover bombs and to get past places I need to sneak to.

There are also many times in the game it helps further certain plot lines to have different characters in my party.

The game is definently meant for you to switch party members to make the game easier and to further the plot. On top of all of that any experience you get is given to all of your characters even if they aren't in your party at that time so I don't see why I would keep my party the same.....
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Post by Léah »

I would really have liked to use the droid M3 more often to save spikes. But it seems like whenever I'm somewhere I need to slice a computer, the party selection option is disabled because it's somewhere "dangerous." And because of the heightened conditions, I don't really want to have the droid pulling down the fighting abilities of the party. So it seems like I could never utilize his abilities as much as I would've liked.
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Post by DivinerSage »

Here's my solution to using M3 more often- Don't be afraid to use him because he can be equipped with dual blasters and two droid secondary weapons like stunners, flame throwers, gravity generators. Also with these weapons he's a ranged attacker and can hit your enemies from a long distance. You can use him to first shoot your enemies as they are running up to you and then hit them with your jedi (your main character, Bastilia, and Juhanni [I don't like Jolee as much he is really a force power character]). i found M3 to be a very good attacker with 2 Mandalarian Heavy Blasters. Also if you are losing too much life invest in the force cure power it is the most important force you can have it allows you to use no medipacks because you can force heal and then sit there and wait for your force to refill and go on.

I upgrade only M3's Intelligence, a little dexterity, Computer Use, and security...
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