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Someone help me with the number of levels

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Darth Wan
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Someone help me with the number of levels

Post by Darth Wan »

Ok, I just got one of those blockbuster discount packages in the mail where it gives you a rent 1 get one free coupon and it gives you descriptions of new games for xbox,ps2,gamecube, etc. Anyways, under the description of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, it said you can 'battle through 10 different levels' and i can only count 8 levels... Taris,Dantooine,Kashyyk,Manaan,Tatooine,Korriban,Unknown Island, and the Star Forge itself. I've completed the game and i dont really think I've missed a level... but maybe blockbuster doesnt know what the hell they're talking about, even though BioWare itself should be telling them what to put on the promos so Im guessing its not blockbusters fault. Someone help me out plz?
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Post by Vadrieldur »

The two levels you are missing are the Endar Spire and the Leviathon. The Endar Spire is the spaceship you start the game on, and the Leviathon is the Sith spaceship that captures you and your party. I hope that helps.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

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Darth Wan
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Post by Darth Wan »


Now that you mention that it makes sense...I really have no idea why I wouldn't have thought of it, I didn't even consider the spaceships, thanks.
'Obi Wan has taught you well'
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