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Console Trouble

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Console Trouble

Post by jmeds »

Here's my situation-

In the early stages of the game, I wandered into ghostgate. Seeing all of the glass armor, I killed quite a few people, stealing the armor as well. Unfortunately, one of these people was Mertis Falandas, the Spear master. Seeing as I would like to level up in the statistic, how can I use the console to revive her/him?

Also, the console ID for mertis is "mertis falandas"
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Post by Jofus »

Here is one command: placeatpc "mertis falandas", 1,1,1
This will place him right where you are so you should be where he is supposed to be in the game.
I think you can also use the "resurrect" command which would replace "placeatpc" and I don't think you need the numbers nor do you have to be where he should be as it should revive him in his original place no matter where you are.
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