sounds impossible, right?
Actually, you can't make them at experiments with shadow keeper have proven...while you can turn a cleric into a sorceror, you lose ability to chain contingency cleric spells, and all cleric spells cast at level if you were somehow casting cleric scrolls...this is not a disadvantage for some cleric spells, for example globe of blades, or greater restore, but I've been convinced instinctively that such an uber munchkin class could be made...
now my experiments with wild mage clerics show that it is possible to come close to a type of sorceror cleric, and I am sure someone with a lot more ability and skill than I could make such a kit, using teambg's kit creator...or maybe not, since my reading of the way that the sorceror class is hard coded into the game in the documentation suggests that it is impossible to modify the way the sorceror class works...
now I have created sorceror kensais, by giving a sorceror imitation warrior abilities, but this has limitations...only kits and classes that directly add affects to the character(affects are a tab in shadowkeeper) could "inherit" kit powers while still being a sorceror...and I would have to say I've pushed that about as far as shadowkeeper would let me...
I've created sorceror kensais, sorceror assassins, and if I really wanted to, I could probably create sorceror monks...
but until now, I did not think a sorceror cleric was possible under the infinity engine...
until I had a sudden thought....
All I need to do is add the innate ability, using shadowkeeper, the innate ability "rest" resource "spwish16" and increment the number of spells memorized by one, and give this ability to a cleric mage...
this is the spell, that you get in the wish spell, that says, "make it so that my party is rested, and rememorized all spells"
how does it work???
after you create a elven cleric mage, simply open up the game in shadowkeeper, and add this innate ability to the cleric mage...increment the number of times this spell is memorized by one, then save...
open the game, and you now have a sorceror cleric...almost
what you actually have is a virtual sorceror cleric, a uber munchkin spell caster, who can act just like a sorceror, including full cleric spell ability...
so here you are, taking out this cleric mage for a test drive...your party has an encounter, like being ambushed by cowled click on the spells, intending to cast some breach so minsc can kick their notice you have just cast your last breach spell in the last encounter...and you decide to sunfire them, to roast them...but you don't have any sunfires memorized...
you open up your spell book, you click on sunfire, to memorize the spell, and any other spells you want to use for this encounter, those spells will be grayed out, since you must rest to memorize your new spell selections......then you open up your spells button again, and look for the innate ability rest, which will not show up in your innate button, (the little star at the right) but will actually be the last spell under your memorized spells under your spells button...
click on it, and click on yourself, and immediately, the new spells, the ones you want to use right now, can be cast!!!!!!!!!!
like I said, virtual sorceror clerics...
you can use any spell you want, at any time...
best of all, this applies to your entire party, so everyone can cast what ever spells anytime that you need...
so jaheira becomes a sorceror-druid, and viccy becomes a sorceror-cleric...just with druid spells and cleric spells, of course...
you guys like?
I am currently field testing a sorceror cleric kensai, right now, and things are looking good...