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IE help

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IE help

Post by Virgil57 »

This has got to be the dumbest question ever, but I can't find the answer. I was downloading some BG2 mods and I accidentally clicked the little box on the download screen so I no longer get a download screen, my comp just automatically opens any files I click on w/o a prompt. This is not good. I have tried the tools/internet options and reset everything to default, but to no avail. Any ideas?
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Post by spookydonkey »

well, i don't know what version of IE you're running (you can check by going to Help / about Internet Explorer), but some versions have a tool that "repairs" IE installations. You can find it (if your version uses it) by going to start / settings / control panel and opening Add-Remove programs. then look on the list for "Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Tools" or something similar and select it, then hit Add/remove. you may see a choice that says "Repair", if so, select it and hit OK. then follow the prompts to complete the process.

it may help, it may not. i'm not sure offhand what would cause this problem, but you can always right-click on a link to something you want to download and select "Save target as" (this will work fine most of the time - some download sites will not support this method though).

there is also a program called GetRight that will monitor your downloads instead of internet explorer.

good luck!
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Post by Virgil57 »

heres the box I accidentally clicked...

Shouldn't you be able to change this under the options somewhere? I use IE 6.0

I know that you can use right click and stuff like get right. I just want to avoid the fact that my computer will no run a zip files I click on w/o a prompt.
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Post by Ned Flanders »

Download something else. De-select the same check box and this will propagate for all further downloads.
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Post by Xandax »

Go into windows explorer.
Go into the tools menu item --> Folder Options --> File Types.

Find the file type you wish to alter (zip in this case I would think) and press the advanced button.

Select the "confirm open after download" switch.

See if this helps :cool:
(edit: sorry took so long - but didn't see the post before :o :D )
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Post by Virgil57 »

I tried to unclick the box, but I never found a dl that was long enough and I think it was gryed out after my mistake...

But Xandax nailed it. Thanks!!! :D

Don't wory about the time, I've been banned from the GB forums by the work server :( So I don't get around to checking the forums as often anymore.
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