I'm on my second time playing through... thought I'd try out a different character.
So, I'm at the city gates in that little tavern and everyone is all excited about Aulava and Tiiro breaking up. I know that I can either make them stay together or break up, so what happens with both those options? Why does everyone want them to break up? What happens if they stay together?
Thanks in advance
"Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it." LIFE statue carved by Richard Cypher-Seeker of Truth, War Wizard, Lord Rahl of D'HARA
From a plot standpoint, absolutely nothing. (Still, I wouldn't want to ruin the experience for anyone roleplaying through it, the first time.) You can help out by making a suggestion to 'em, but either way, it doesn't change anything.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
really, its just an easter egg, trying to parodise (is that a word???) Romeo and JUliet it has no importance
'My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!'-Wanev
Have you ever heard any more inspiring or logical words? I sure haven't.
Originally posted by Mini Me really, its just an easter egg, trying to parodise (is that a word???) Romeo and JUliet it has no importance
Yeah, but not everything in an RPG should be about quests and experience points, IMO. Flavor counts for a lot.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.