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Darth Malak & Yoda

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Sith Lord
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Post by Sith Lord »

Oh, and to add to the conversation about Sidious being non-human, it is possible.

I am sure you can get this information somewhere else, but If you read the paragraphs at the loading screens of KOTOR you might have read one that said something kinda like this

-True Sith died out a long time ago, Sith of this era are simply followers of an ideal.-

I am not sure excatly how it is written, but this hints toward the Sith actually being a race of people. Maybe they didn't die out totally, it is possible that there were so few of them that the Republic though them to be extinct.

And just so I am clear on one thing... in the first 3 movies that were made IV, V, VI, there was no mention of the Dark Side followers as Sith, true? I have seen them a hundred times, but it has been a while. I wonder why? Maybe after episode III we will get that question answered.
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Post by Mattaeus »

The Sith where a race of people that died out...most likely the same way there followers did, by turning on each other and ultimity self-destructing.
Sidious was following a newer order of the Sith one that alowed for 2 and only 2 followers, a master, and an apprentice. But where he learnt the ways of the Sith are not told or who his master was (They lived in secrect for 1000s of years..also part of the new following) The thing is, is that the force "changed" Pelpatine into something that wasnt human......

"Palpatine was a gnarled, old man. An ancient-looking human, he had pale skin, and searing, sickly yellow eyes. He wore a heavy dark cloak, and carried a glossy black cane."

The Sith wernt mentioned in IV, V, and VI as a race or cult, but it was hinted at when Vader said to Sidious "We are the last of our kind" or something like that (its been a while since Iv seen the movies) it crazy in here or is it just me??
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Post by Mathurin »

The whole tradition of one master/one apprentice came about after KotOR and before the movies took place. About 2000 years before the battle of Yavin. One of the sith masters used a sort of force weapon he called a thought bomb that killed nearly all of the sith as well as many, many Jedi. After that one of the remaining Sith Lords, named Bane, forged the master apprentice tradition. As to Palpatine being human, that is an affirmative, hes simply so far into the dark side it is decaying him sort of. Much the same way any of you dark side players see your characters changing and Im sure the matter of Malak's jaw could be assumed to be the same matter, we all see him in one of the visions with his face intact so we know he had it not too long ago, I think its a matter of his rapid descent into the dark side. Im sure its stated the name of Palpatines master somewhere, one of the comics perhaps, but I personally have no idea who it was. As for Yoda's race I think thats a secret Lucas never plans to reveal.
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Post by Mathurin »

Almost forgot to address the point of the Sith. Yes they were a race of people living on Korriban, and they really no longer exist as a distinct race because several thousand years before the movies, many Jedi were expelled from the order for treating with the Dark Side and they fled to Korriban and over centuries intertwined with the true Sith, in a sense leaving the Sith more or less human in race but still Sith in outlook. They stayed gone until 5000 years before the movies, bout a 1000 years before KotOR, when they reappeared to the Republic in what became the Great Hyperspace War. It talks a little about it in the load screen messages.
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Post by The Revanchist »

Malaks jaw was lost in a lightsaber duel with Revan.

I found this: Darth Malak - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki on wookiepedia.

I think its somwhere in the middle.
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Post by DonLouigi »

Well, of course we all know now about palpatine, don't we? He didn't decay slowly but was stuck in his own force lightening.
Btw: I wonder, it's a while since I've seen the movies: Are the names 'palpatine' and 'Darth Sidious' mentioned anywhere in the original trilogy? i thought, the guy was only referred to as 'the emperor'? Afaik the name Palpatine was first mentioned in Episode I, which kinda bothers me, because I've seen sorces from before the release of the movie, using this name, so where does the name originally come from?

As to Yoda: I can't imagine, he's human. In the garman star wars wiki his species is only referred to as 'yoda's species' so i guess, there's no one having a name for his kind.
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Post by Lord++Revan »

I know im a bit late:laugh:
but ive read everywhere that malak called revan soft when they were sith so revan cut off his jaw!!!!!!

and yoda laets juust call him "The little green fellow who uses a green lightsaber,
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