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dark and light at the same time?

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dark and light at the same time?

Post by Ammi »

Can you be light for example and a differnt groupmember like Juhanni dark? This way you could use all the force powers. If yes how do you get a different groupmember dark while you stay light?
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Post by whittynamehere »

You really cant do anything about it. All the jedi on the Ebon Hawk are mostly on the lightside. The only thing you can do is YOU be on the Darkside and get Dark force powers and still be able to Utilize the Light force powers that you give to each jedi.
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Post by Ammi »

That sucks!
But thanks anyway man. Guess I'm gonna go dark then
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Ammi
Can you be light for example and a differnt groupmember like Juhanni dark? This way you could use all the force powers. If yes how do you get a different groupmember dark while you stay light?

Easily. Remember, all Jedi can use any aspect of the force. It just costs nice guys more to use the dark side, and nasty types more to use the glittery stuff. Juhani can use dark force actions; they just cost her a bit more.
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Post by GreyWanderer »


You and Bastilla can be Dark (after her capture). Additionally, I think you can be light throughout and turn dark if you embrace REVAN during bastilla's betrayal. I think. I tried to get Juhanni to go dark during her mini-quest, but she wouldn't.
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