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Party NPC taken (SPOILERS)

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Party NPC taken (SPOILERS)

Post by Traxx »

Aerie Taken


Bodhi took Aerie before the "final battle' with her, and I need to restore her (Aerie) .. How is this done? I have all her items and body, as well as the three books on vampirism, and have talked with the Monk and Priest in the Temple of Oghma about them and the Ulmar Hill connection ... but havn't a clue as to the next step!

Where do I go next ...


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Post by Balinor »


If you go down into the temple ruins themselves and find the statue of amaunator, then you can place Bodhi's Black Heart (acquired when you stake Bodhi's coffin) and Aerie's body in the statue, and she will be cured. Plus, your romance doesn't end when she is turned because you saved her.
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Post by fable »

@Traxx, when you start a thread like this, please consider phrasing the title so that it gives away nothing to the first-time player--of whom quite a few still pass through these hallowed halls. ;) And put a SPOILER designation on the title; your first post really gave away a major plot device in one of the chapters. (The site owner refers to this in his Please Read Before Posting sticky post at the time of the forum.) I'll change your title on this one. Thanks. :)
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Post by Traxx »



"@Traxx, when you start a thread like this, please consider phrasing the title so that it gives away nothing to the first-time player--of whom quite a few still pass through these hallowed halls. And put a SPOILER designation on the title; your first post really gave away a major plot device in one of the chapters. (The site owner refers to this in his Please Read Before Posting sticky post at the time of the forum.) I'll change your title on this one."


Thanks for publicly embarrassing me on this!

Be assurred that I will make no other postings to this "forum" in the future!

Your editing BEFORE CONTACTING wasn't appreciated .....

Remove me from this "list"! And do NOT contact me in any way.
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Post by Necrotaur »

Chill out, seriously.
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Post by Xandax »

@Traxx: The main point of the editing was not to public humiliate you in anyway. It was to avoid people from being spoiled if they didn't want to, and a post where "spoiler" isn't noted is a risk of that, especially with a major spoiler as this post adresses..

Therefore the site owner had made the post "Please read before posting" to explain this, wich one should read before posting (thus the name).

There is no need to get all wired up about it :) and I hope you continue to post at the board.
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Post by Screaming Johny »

Wow, what a strong response. In my opinion Fable was not being rude, but rather pointing out the rules of the forum. A moderator's job is hard enough, they don't need us users getting all ticked about little things like this. I have seen Fable get a little snarky, but the user certainly pushed him to it.

Not to mention, how is this publicly embarrasing. None of us have any idea who you are. It's not like we are going to track you down & say, "Ha Ha, you didn't put spoiler in your title!" I think fable has to remind a new user about this once a day. It's his job.

Note to fable: you should probably just have a paragraph about spoilers that you can copy & paste, since you have to do it so often.

And don't sweat not reading the rules of the forum. I'm sure you are like most of us & use the forum for a while before getting around to reading the rules, much to all moderator's dismay.

So Traxx, welcome to the forum, but try to have a little fun. After all this is a GAME forum, and games are supposed to be fun.
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Post by VonDondu »

Maybe Fable should have said "pretty please with sugar on top". :)

Traxx, if you're reading this, please don't be upset by what happened. You made a minor mistake and Fable corrected it; that's all. (He said "please" and he even used a couple of "smileys".) Nobody is going to hold it against you, and there's no need to feel humiliated. As Screaming Johny pointed out, this is the internet, for heaven's sake. :) If you think that things that happen on the internet are important, just wait until you screw up in the "real world". :) Stuff like this will seem trivial in comparison.

Several years ago, somebody drew a cartoon in which two dogs were sitting in front of a computer. One of them had his paws on the keyboard, and he was assuring the other, "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog." That was pretty funny, and it became a well-known quote. A couple of years later, a guy who wrote a guide to the internet topped it by saying, "On the internet, everyone knows you're a dog." :) So just remember what you're dealing with here and save the embarrassment for something that actually matters in your life. :)
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Post by Xandax »

People - please let it go, there is no need to dwell deeper in it, and it warants little discussion as it is rule set by the administrator and site owner Buck Satan himself :)
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Post by Ron_Lugge »

Originally posted by Xandax
People - please let it go, there is no need to dwell deeper in it, and it warants little discussion as it is rule set by the administrator and site owner Buck Satan himself :)
You just had to ruin our fun, didn't you? :D
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