What exactly is TOEE
What exactly is TOEE
I've heard alot about it but know nothing. Is it like the Baldur's Gate / Icewind Dale series for playing where you make your party and go on quests? From what I saw it looked like one giant dungeon (temple). So what's the story to the game and such if anyone can fill me in.
I know a little about the game, It is going to be great from what I have read. The rules are going to be from the 3.5 set, which shakes it up. Also, I have heard the characters are going to be pretty crazy. From what I read, they had to tone them done to get their rating. I am pretty excited. What do you all know about it now?
I know a little about the game, It is going to be great from what I have read. The rules are going to be from the 3.5 set, which shakes it up. Also, I have heard the characters are going to be pretty crazy. From what I read, they had to tone them done to get their rating. I am pretty excited. What do you all know about it now?
- fable
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Nothing more than the various interviews and previews. No telling how it will turn out, other than the bare mechanics. Will it be good? Who can say? Arcanum looked great in reports, until people got to play with the awful inventory/skills interface and noticed the dreadful party AI. On the other hand, a game like King of Dragon Pass looks relatively placid and static on A-Sharp's website, but it's one of the best RPGs that's ever been produced--just lacking completely in PR and marketing.
Guess we'll have to see, when it comes out.
Guess we'll have to see, when it comes out.
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- fable
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Originally posted by Virgil57
From your comment about the King of Dragon Pass I would assume you have played the game. I remember some of your past recomendations for games like Wizardry 8 (a great game). Would you say that King of Dragon Pass is worth buying? I think its only 20$ via download.
IMO, definitely--but it depends on the kind of game you're expecting. It's completely menu driven, rather like KOEI products, so don't expect the Infinity engine!
I probably shouldn't be spamming this thread up, but since Greyhawk is still months away, I don't think it will matter too much. It's one of the most in-depth strategy/RPG titles I've encountered, and well worth the price.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
@ Fable: What was wrong with the inventory/skills system in Arcanum? Sure it originally turned me off of the game having played almost exclusively IE games for quite some time, but once you realize it's not IE it's not a bad system at all. I actualy kinda like it.
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
Have you had a chance to play ToEE? If so, where did you get to see it. I have heard a lot of great things about the Ironman mode of play, as far as it being VERY close to the actual pen/paper DnD game. I, for one, am pretty excited, I just want to hear more about it... Does anyone know the release date?
Have you had a chance to play ToEE? If so, where did you get to see it. I have heard a lot of great things about the Ironman mode of play, as far as it being VERY close to the actual pen/paper DnD game. I, for one, am pretty excited, I just want to hear more about it... Does anyone know the release date?
- fable
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Originally posted by Skuld
@ Fable: What was wrong with the inventory/skills system in Arcanum?
Absolutely nothing. What I wrote above was, "...until people got to play with the awful inventory/skills interface." Not the skills system itself, which was a nice elaboration upon the Special system, but the display. It was an awfully congested interface. That, and the inability to control party members in combat, were (I think) the two biggest complaints about the game.
Have you had a chance to play ToEE?
No, I'm not a beta tester. I've inquired about whether press will receive beta copies, but so far, nothing. Can't say I blame the developers, though there are ways to brand individual copies so that anything which gets out immediately finds a culprit.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I've been reading about this game alot lately. It's based on one of the truly classic D&D series from back in the day. There's some really good info and some development journals at the greyhawk website. Don't know when it's available for beta testing yet, but I'm definitely going to try and get in on that.
- EmptyChaos
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Most of the characters appear as though they are constantly bent at the knees, I can just picture them swinging their readied upper bodies all the way back and forth as they walk or doing low lunges. Spell effects however look pretty cool, as do the backgrounds... and as we know STORY (plot, writing overall whether voice acted or not) SAVES ALL... Right guys? Right?? yeah
So... This is actually coming out tomorrow from what I've seen so far. Apparently it's actually earlier than expected, which is impressive indeed for an RPG. check out the official site.