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Romance may have ended, restarting?

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Romance may have ended, restarting?

Post by LizardWizard »

Okay, I was romancing Anomen, and I may have accidentally ended it. He started talking once and I listened to him say a few things but then said something like "You have to work out things with your father on your own" and he hasn't talked to me since.

Relevant variables, from Shadowkeeper:
AnomenDecide 2
AnomenGoesTrial 1
AnomenHome 2413974
AnomenJoined 683862
AnomenKnight 3286694
AnomenMatch 1
AnomenRomance 585340
AnomenRomanceActive 3
AnomenTrial 3953741
CheckAnomenMatch 1

Another possibility is that he stopped wooing me because my reputation got too low; it's at 4.

So, my questions: Did I end the romance? If so, was it by being insensitive, or by having too low a reputation? If it is ended, can I restart it?

Also, please no spoilers regarding his romance or his quests. Thanks.
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Post by dragon wench »

I don't think that reputation affects the romances (although good-aligned characters will leave if it gets too low).
However, it is quite likely that telling him to work things out on his own succeeded in ending the romance.
You could also try changing the romance variables using the CLUA console, which should help to retrigger things. Somebody else here will need to step in though, because messing about with the CLUA is not something I am too skilled at :D
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Post by Ron_Lugge »

IIRC, this should help with your troubles (KEEP A SAVE AS BACKUP!):


You may need to set it to two - I'm not sure. Also, check Anomens lovetalk rating (IIRC, you put the cursor over anomen's portrait, and use "CLUACONSOLE:GetVariable("Lovetalk","LOCALS") -- should work)


also, try D/Ling this:

I find it quite helpful sometimes... Mainly for the cluaconsole stuff, but its still fun reading (How to get past Phaere was a huge problem for one of my early chars - a fighter that was as stupid, and unwise, as you could be. And lets not forget dull (3/3/3 wis/int/cha)).


Does anyone have a TOB version of that?
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Post by Nightmare »

Originally posted by Ron_Lugge
IIRC, this should help with your troubles (KEEP A SAVE AS BACKUP!):


You may need to set it to two - I'm not sure. Also, check Anomens lovetalk rating (IIRC, you put the cursor over anomen's portrait, and use "CLUACONSOLE:GetVariable("Lovetalk","LOCALS") -- should work)

No, you were right. Set it to:




The romance ended in a bad way (AnomenRomanceActive was set to 3). Resetting it to 1 will start it up again, though I don't think from the begining.
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Post by LizardWizard »

Thanks guys, I think I got everything on track again. I couldn't quite figure out the CLUA console (probably messed up some capitalization or something), but I used ShadowKeeper to set the variable and immediately he talked with me.

FYI, the bad dialog option I chose (I was looking through that romancing guide, which is quite useful, to jog my memory) was:
Anomen: Ah, but listen to me. What a pathetic knight I must seem, blubbering like a boy to you over such a thing as my father's disapproval. You must think me a fool, my lady.
Me: A bit of a fool, yes.

It looked safe at the time, but obviously wasn't.
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Elemental ZOOT
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Post by Elemental ZOOT »

that happened 2 me
except im a male

i was romancing aerie and she went on about something about hating walking on the ground and i think i said well it isnt so bad and she went all negative and the romance ended

help plz
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Are you sure it's ended? She does get kind of huffy in a you-just-can't-understand kind of way, but if you are nice to her, she'll apologize and continue the romance. However, if you were rude, it's all over.
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