I think you need a mage (sorcer preferred) and no chance for warrior-type character.
Level would drop very quick from the very first goblin and i don't think penality for heavy multiclassing could be a worry not having to share your xp point with the resto of your party.
don't Think it is possible to solo or NOT without importing your hero.
I did it mostly with invisibility and summon monster (elemental are still my favourite). The reason is easy.you simply can't kill any enemy with brute force because you get much more wounded/killed b4 you move.
Then add that usually enemy are more than one!!!
totally impossible maybe not. cause one goblin = 1 or 2 level up.
The problems could be
-spoiler for first gamer-
LER ;-)
1. i think your level cause more enemy to appear at least in some areas so a 10 level mage can have some more goblin as well as Xvim warrior or red mages.
2. without summoning, invisibility (enemy miss you) and specular images you are always dead but when you summon enemy will attack you b4 your summoned creature and with many of them it is almost impossible to win (monk and dwarf).
3. The best tactic is the one used by that "sweet" mage in the last battle....you summon out of sight (for your enemy) and they will attack your summoned creature so you can cast some more spell.
4.In certein area enemy will attack only party member first (no idea why they ignore invisibility) and in narrow space it is very difficult (add that if there are A LOT of enemy there will be no free space to hide as outside the goblin fortressor you will have no space tu escape!!!!!!!). Even worse some enemy will have ranged weapons or attack when you enter an area (ORC).
5.Magic is more important than brute force so the only character you can use are the ones who doesn't need to learn spell from scrolls (a mage level 10 with 1level spell is useless) and have some istant kill spell (banshee) or at least great summoning skilll.
6. To finish all creature summoned (except elementals and demons) works only when you see them so you need to be in the battle area and a mage can be killed with a single blow by even a goblin!
btw i just finished hof with a 6 member party (Isair and Madae battle lasted 1 hour!!!) starting from level 0. Think a duo party from 0 is still possible because of the above tactics but solo seems very very hard if not impossible.
Well, I ported in a level 21 fighter mage (15 fighter/5 mage), Drow, with some choice equipment (Chain of Drakkas, Farmer's Cloak,Red Slippers (or whatever)). As it is now, though, I can cast without fear of armour penalty (3 feats of Armoured Arcana, + chain of Drakkas), have an AC of 33, constant effect blur, freedom of movement, haste, +25 hp (from Golden Heart of <CHARNAME>), so I do have some little bonus'.
Anyway, the goblins I faced... Dirty... They had 80+ hp, average... Scary stuff.
That's interesting.
I counted the hp of the goblin i faced.......they were 150 about.
So i have to presume that the number of party member affect in some way the enemy hp.
The fact is that you have to fight as a melee type mostly. usually they can hit you more than 50% so a great number can easily defeat you.
A single goblin when i started had about twice my whole party hit point so was impossible to challenge. Maybe later you can access some healer but in Targos you have little money.... i spent about 2 million gold in +5 bullet of any kind b4 Last battle and i still had 1.5 m get some beer ;-)
But basically Targos has not so many enemy (except the cave) and even in the last battle you can have npc help.
Problem would be orc although there is an healer and you can move.
Outside the goblin castle would be very difficult (i don't remember if the key is obteinable without fighting all enemy). That battle was one of the hardest for me......the enemy attacked my party instead of the summoned creatures(althouht invisible!!!), the half goblin were deadly and the summoned ones deadly cause they attacked different character and they couldn't be stopped if not destroying the very well guarded drum. I reached to destroy all but one drum so i had about 90% of the area enemy attack in the same place!!!!!!!
There are great cleric/wizzard/sorcerer spell named Create undead!!!!!!
I beat nasty goblins, orcs, bugbears and many others with Zombie, Mummy, Skeletal ...... eh something;-)
Tactics- use invisibility on thief or monk (they are faster than others),check where are monsters, summon undead< someone has negative auras so watch out> and attack with them.
i did the same having a monk often invisible checking the situation while someone summoned a lot of creature who ran in battle.
Btw summon undead is good but elemental are way better. Also if you can't control them, they can suffer a lot of damage (usually they disappear for eding of the spell nor for dead) and are powerfull.
So nothing better than elemental legion.