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Are You a theif? (UPDATED)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Are You a theif? (UPDATED)

Post by Scorpio_7 »

Are YOU a theif? Do you beat people over the head for a shiny amulet? Do YOU need a place to put your stuff? Or do you just wan't some storage space? Well I have got a mod for YOU!

Introducing...The Balyn Theif Hideout Mod!

1. NOT a noob house mod!

2. conveniently placed!

3. each case does NOT take up room!

4. not un-balanced!

5. provides a small challenge!
This is my first uploaded mod. It comes with a read-me.
The mod is in Balyn Omavil's house in Balmora. There are chests embedded in the walls for storing anything.

What is the challenge you ask? well these many chests are locked 100% But, there IS a key in the house but where to find it?
that's at the VERY bottom of the read-me in the "SPOILERS" section.

The purpose of the mod is for theifs or people with just WAY too many things. This mod is if you need to store things you just don't have room for. each chest carries almost infinate lbs.

This updated version contains:


2. Little box o' money on the shelf with pottery and stuff
(small amounts of re-spawning income!)

3. other updates!

Frogus Is A Pirate.jpg
If you fall/get thrown into a pit of snakes...negotiate with them, if they don't want to negotiate? Start aggressive negotiations. (a.k.a. whip out your blade)
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Post by fable »

Do you spell it thief, or theif, in your mod? ;)
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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