Ok... here i am.... at the moathouse... I can either:
1. Go fight the leader and 4 guards in the moathouse.
2. Go into the basement and attack the zombies like an idiot and get ambushed.
3. Go fight the zombies like a smart person and get ambushed by slime and zombies anyways...
4. Sit for 5 hours doing all the side quests for very little exp.
5. Change tactics and go in for a quick suicide mission...
what should i do?
Take a halfling monk party and you'll never beat the game...
(''') (':,..,:') (''') HALF ORC POWER
Well in my party I have a Human Fighter, A Human Ranger, Human Rogue (I was gonna get Halfling but I decided on getting an extra feat),A Human Cleric, and an elf sorcerer. I also got Elmo which is a level 4 fighter and I passed the moathouse very easily. A Half orc barbarian is a very good character fr muscle, altough I like to stick with my gnome barbarian named Bartymock Leaflocks.
It's not so tough, if you just take it one room at a time. My party was (and still is) Lawful Neutral... with 5 base characters: a LG female human cleric of Wee Jas (domains Death and Magic), so she can use wands and wizard scrolls, a LN human fighter with an 18 strength, a gnome rogue with high Bluff scores and Improved Feint skills (sneak attacks practically at will), a human sorcerer with an 18 charisma (besides casting spells, he does most of my Gather Information and Diplomacy), and an elven wizard/ranger with a 19 or 20 dex (just one or two levels of wizard so he can cast Identify and make scrolls, then pour my feats into archery stuff). My ranger and fighter both have the Quick Draw feats, so we can switch quickly between melee, ranged, and reach weapons. The sorcerer started with Burning Hands and Sleep, and eventually went to Web, Summon spells (once his level allowed the creatures to hang around for more a couple rounds), and Fireball. His role in combat is taking out groups, or softening them up. The fighter uses reach weapons (pole arms) on medium and small sized opponents, and switches to axe-and-shield or hammer-and-shield versus large opponents for the extra defense. The ranger/wizard hangs back and peppers anyone who's hanging back, and the gnomes dashes in behind whoever closed in with the fighter and hamstrings 'em. The cleric supports whoever needs it.
All in all, the moathouse is tough, but hey... it just gets tougher at the temple, so you've got to get used to the large fearful combats. Think of the moathouse as a testing ground, or a warm-up exercise. And after any major engagement, it doesn't hurt to pause and Save Game. You don't want to have to go back to your autosave if some bad die rolls cost you half your party. Oh, one more thing... watch out who you hire as an NPC. Some will attack you if you get too weak, and the rest take much of the good treasure for themselves, even if they can't use it. I hope there's a patch or an override command forthcoming to make them surrender the items they take that could be better used by others.
Hey, after we're done rebuilding Iraq, can we start rebuilding America's public schools?