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Meaning of magical affects

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Meaning of magical affects

Post by iriyas »

Hi all. i'm new to these forums and really have enjoyed following some of thes threads.

i'm relatively new to Morrowind and since i dont have much time to play haven't advanced much so would appreciate any help. my apologies if this a repeat of an arlier question.

My question is actual affect some magical affects have?

mainly the bound affect and santuary.

is dispel used to remove other magical affects cast by an attacker.

thank u for any help

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Post by Loredweller »

Bound effect gives you an item you're bounding. Spell does it for limited time, altogether you can make an item with, for example, Constant Effect Bound Longbow - as long you're wearing the item enchanted with the spell your Bound Longbow (Daedric longbow with zero weight giving +10 to Marksman skill as long as it's in your hand) will be here.
Sanctuary is very effective protection spell. The difference with Shield spell is in fact that it does not add to your armor class as Shields does, it's just supposed it's harder to hit you. Sanctuary is related to evasion rather than withsanding. Even with 50 Sanctuary you should be wery clumsy or unlucky to get a hit, altogether if it goes through, it goes with full strength. Shields does not help you evade attacks in any way, but they may partially or completely absorb the damage. So, in theory, heavy or medium armor wearers are gaining more profit from Shields. Lightning, Frost and Fire Shields are in addition protecting also against magical damage of their elements and may do some damage to adversary in close range. Those wearing Light armor or fighting Unarmored (so relaying on Agility and Speed) should gain more from Sanctuary, or so it's supposed to be. Actually light fighters can make use of Shields as well. Heavy/Medium wearers are just supposed to withstand blows, altogether in my experience Sanctuary helps a lot there, too.
The slight drawback of Sanctuary is slower growth of actual armor skills - you're getting the growth when you get a hit...
Dispel just does what's supposed to do - removes magical effects except diseases, damages (Damage Attribute, Health, skill and Fatigue), racial/professional bounuses, CE item and alchemic potion effects. It includes conjured monsters or items. Although i have never seen some NPC or Daedra casting Bound Longsword, they summon Bonewalkers fairly often (just remember to cast dispel on summoner, not on summoned creature). I do not know if dispel remove Paralysis, though, altogether i do not care, because you anyway cannot switch modes and cast spells (save mayhap if you got a scroll ready just before you got the spell, so belt with Cure Paralysis on self is pretty useless), the Cure Paralysis potion is the best and only remedy.

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Post by iriyas »


thanks for the reply

so basically bound items increase the skill in the use of that item.

example a longsword with a bound affect will increase my longsword skill while i'm using it ?

what would happen if i'm using boots with bound affect?
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Post by Loredweller »

Re: cheers
Originally posted by iriyas
thanks for the reply

so basically bound items increase the skill in the use of that item.

example a longsword with a bound affect will increase my longsword skill while i'm using it ?

what would happen if i'm using boots with bound affect?
Bound weapons are in many cases the most effective weapons long in opening of the game even besides the fortifying effect they have (always supposing you're skilled enough to cast the spell). It's long run before you're going to find better sword than 32-44-40 one fortifying Long Blade by 10 (and with zero weigth ;) )

Regarding boots - you get Daedric boots (with armor class independant on you actual armor skill, i think) with Fortify Speed 10 pts on self. Gauntlets, for example, give +10 in Agility (Right) and +10 in H2H (Left), Helm or Cuirass gives +5 for all four kinds of armor each, Shield raises Block by 10. There are no greaves or pauldrons, though.

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Post by Straydog »

For better use of Sanctuary and unarmored, I´d recommend Horatio´s Dodge Mod, where your unarmored skill gives you sanctuary effects. :)
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Spell meanings

These are good questions. Though bound items are pretty self explanatory once you've experimented with one of them there are many spells I never use if only because I'm not sure what they do. Has anyone played around with the Command Creature/Command Humanoid spells, for example? How are they used. Also, does Silence stop a spellcaster or does it protect your char from spells? I remember reading a book in the game called 'Silence' about a guy who fought a powerful mage and used the spell on himself, if I recall correctly (he also used it to protect himself from his wife's nagging).
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Post by Loredweller »

Re: Spell meanings
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
... does Silence stop a spellcaster or does it protect your char from spells? I remember reading a book in the game called 'Silence' about a guy who fought a powerful mage and used the spell on himself, if I recall correctly (he also used it to protect himself from his wife's nagging).

It definitely stops if successful. I have used it on Trebonius several times, for example. In most cases he just immediately switches to his staff. Sometimes it fails, of course, he has formidable resistance due his amulet after all. I guess it supposed to be dual way: the caster can neither to produce sounds nor to hear what he's saying (the same factor as with noise spells; never used them really, though), he becomes deaf. As soon spelcasting involves some werbal component ...

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