Georgi, I wasn't sure whether you were being dead serious or lighthearted when you started this message thread, but while I stand behind my own remarks, they should be taken in a lighthearted way.
As usual, I have made a lot of assumptions that I didn't actually state in my previous message.

For example, I do believe that there are distinctions to be made between news and entertainment, but TV has blurred the line between them, and even though people turn to news channels ostensibly to hear real, important news (perhaps out of some sense of duty to themselves, their community, the high intellectual standards they set for themselves, etc.), when they turn to news channels they'd still rather hear about celebrities than war and terrorism. In other words, people are somewhat pretentious about their relationship to news, and I think that's one of the main things that distinguishes news from entertainment these days.
You, on the other hand, seem to regard news as some sort of Platonic ideal.

Honestly, I'm glad you feel that way (if that is in fact the way you feel about it) since you are in the news business, and I truly hope that you derive satisfaction and a sense of pride from your work. Don't let someone as cynical as I am about television get you down.
I wish that I could help you answer your questions. But first, perhaps we should have a little bit of background discussion. I'd like to begin with the question, what is the difference between news and entertainment? Perhaps that will shed some light on what SHOULD take precedence on a news channel, and we can take it from there. Would that be alright?