Watchers Keep question
Watchers Keep question
im in chapter 3(started a new game with the wild mage) has anyone tried watchers keep at this point? or is it better to wait until after the underdark or later? my partys basicly between level 13-15 and i was just wondering if theres any hope here or anything interesting i can get off the first few levels, thanks, keith
If there is a will there is a way. I mean you can probably go through it if you try hard. But then you get all these powerfull weapons from what I have seen so far. ( I am in a process of beating it.) So if you get all these powerfull weapons early, you really have nothing else to look forward to through out the game. Lame execuse, but hey... 
Trap? What trap!? Ah shi....!!!!
alot of the weapons you get here though do you little good till they get upgraded, the foebane for example is nice, but not amazing till you can upgrade it. The only items that really make a huge difference in my opinion are the quiver/bag/case of plenty, these are found very early and provide infinite amo for the user, course I don't have any ranged attackers so they did me little good. So far I have found watchers keep to be pretty easy at least the first 2 lvls I assume it gets much harder with my party that completed SoA. My cavalier pretty much soloed the first lvl with Nalia detecting all the traps, I think it would have been more fun if I would have done it first.
So in closing you could do at least the first part of Watcher's Keep, but you will not get any unbalancing weapons until after you complete Watcher's Keep and Kill your half brother in the first town in ToB because half the components are in the keep and the other half are either already on you or in that town and you don't get the imp to combine them until you beat SoA
So in closing you could do at least the first part of Watcher's Keep, but you will not get any unbalancing weapons until after you complete Watcher's Keep and Kill your half brother in the first town in ToB because half the components are in the keep and the other half are either already on you or in that town and you don't get the imp to combine them until you beat SoA