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Killing Valygar and the Planar Sphere quest [SPOILER]

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Killing Valygar and the Planar Sphere quest [SPOILER]

Post by Duskey »

No need in turning the text black since it's all spoiler...

If I choose to kill Valygar instead of making him join my party, won't my reputation take a hit? and will anyone be tempted to leave my party?

After I kill him, will I then be able to own the planar sphere and have those apprentices make me some items?
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Duskey
No need in turning the text black since it's all spoiler...

If I choose to kill Valygar instead of making him join my party, won't my reputation take a hit? and will anyone be tempted to leave my party?

After I kill him, will I then be able to own the planar sphere and have those apprentices make me some items?

you can get 3 rings of ram...

first pickpocket tolgarious in the gov district. ring of ram

then accept valygar into your party, and then go to slums and OPEN the sphere with him in the party.

kill valygar, then sell the body. 2 reputation loss. ring of ram

then finish the planar spheres quest, kill tolgarious for third ring.

if you are mage or sorceror, you now can have your apprentices make you stuff.

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Post by Duskey »

What if I choose to go with Valygar? Will I then be able to purchase a magic license afterwards from the cowled?
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Post by fable »

No hit to rep if you kill Valygar, no. He's considered a felon.

If you choose to keep Valygar with you, or let him go, you can still purchase a mage's license. Remember, the license is arranged through the city bureaucracy, and they're not very friendly with the Council of Mages. (The writers cleverly built in those tensions to the text in the government building.)
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Post by Duskey »

Originally posted by fable
No hit to rep if you kill Valygar, no. He's considered a felon.

If you choose to keep Valygar with you, or let him go, you can still purchase a mage's license. Remember, the license is arranged through the city bureaucracy, and they're not very friendly with the Council of Mages. (The writers cleverly built in those tensions to the text in the government building.)

My bad, I confused it with I had to buy the license from the cowls, silly me :p
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Post by Galmar »

Killing Valgyr is an evil thing to do, but despite that theres nothing realy stopping you, i personally prefer to let him live and do the planar sphere with him there, makes it a little more inetesting.
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Post by Shin Jaon »

You can always get a license. Even in the beginning. And yes the only way to get the apprentices to make anything is ou must be a mage or sorcerer
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Post by Demonspoon »

then accept valygar into your party, and then go to slums and OPEN the sphere with him in the party.

I'm pretty sure that if you accept Valygar into your party, then kill him, you don't get his body to give to Tolgerias
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Demonspoon
I'm pretty sure that if you accept Valygar into your party, then kill him, you don't get his body to give to Tolgerias

you do....
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Post by VonDondu »

If you tell Valygar that you intend to kill him, several of the good NPCs will question you, leave the party, or turn against you. If your Charisma and Reputation are low (since it's based on "Reaction"), Keldorn, Mazzy, Minsc, and Aerie will become your enemies and fight you. If you are sufficiently charming, Keldorn and Mazzy will only leave the party, and the two most gullible characters, Minsc and Aerie, will fight with you instead of against you. It's interesting to note that Anomen proclaims that Valygar is a liar who will say anything to avoid justice, and Anomen will gladly kill him.
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