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SPOILER - Horns and such...

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SPOILER - Horns and such...

Post by Armycardinal »


OK. I have the Horn of Valhalla, a beljuril gem, and a diamond. The walkthrough just says that give these items to the weaponsmith. Does that mean Cromwell? or someone else? ... uments.php

I was just at Cromwell (making Crom, Equalizer, Silver :D , Wave, etc.)

As he rummaged around he didn't find anything else worth making...or am I mistaken.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by JackOfClubs »

Weaponsmith is a misleading choice of words. It isn't Cromwell...


... it is the merchant in Waukeen's promenade (SW of Adventure Mart on the long wooden platform). He is only there during the day, and you have to choose the second dialogue option: Do you make any magical weapons (or something like that).

It will also cost you about 7000 GP, in two separate upgrades.
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Post by Helm »

In the promenade, there's a merchant from Rashema (sp?) who does it for you. I dont rightly remember where, but I think he's on that wooden platform near the adventure mart. He's one of the fat ones :S
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