I would like to leave some messages for various SYMers here if I may.
To The Z: You little criminal, I'm still keeping tabs on you. And yes, Bunny is indeed alive and well. And so is Muffin, my new Burmese Python.
To Maharlika: Kemosabe, mag beer muna tayo.
To Bloodstalker: To hell with you.
To Kid: Ya, I'm still living and online. Just addicted to Star Wars Galaxies. Damn game, never should have bought it. It's a George Lucas plot to rule our minds, I tell you. To make matters worse, they have made NPCs in the game drop Jedi and Sith holocrons now...the key your character needs to eventually become either a Jedi or Dark Jedi character. Damn those people. Who doesn't wanna be a Jedi in that game and rock the house?
To Dragon Wench: Where is the refurbished Home for the Depraved? *sniff*
To Fable: Hey, I miss you.
To Scayde: Hiya cowgirl.
To everyone else I failed to mention: Glad to see the SPAM alive. Yes, SPAM. May it live long and prosper, and may William Shatner develop a nasty case of piles and be consigned to living day to day on tubes of Preparation H and well-cushioned chairs.