I've finally started playing
I just made it to Chapter 1, with the following party:
Oriseus Zora
Paladin 2 -- Aasimar Fighter 4/Paladin X
STR 18 DEX 10 CON 18 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 16
Skills: Intimidate
Feats: Luck of Heroes
Barbarian 2/Fighter 1 -- Shield Dwarf Fighter 4/Barbarian X
STR 18 DEX 16 CON 20 INT 6 WIS 12 CHA 4
Skills: Concentration
Feats: Axes 2, Hammers 2, Dodge
Numestra Zora
Cleric 3 -- Human Morninglord
STR 14 DEX 10 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 18 CHA 10
Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft
Feats: Combat Casting, Discipline, Maces 2
Murithi Sepret
Ranger 1/Rogue 1 -- Tiefling Ranger 5/Rogue X
STR 14 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 6
Skills: Disable Device, Disarm Trap, Open Lock, Search
Feats: Rapid Shot
Mourn Hune
Bard 2 -- Drow Bard
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 16
Skills: Alchemy, Concentration, Knowledge
Feats: Lingering Song
Sandrue Stamaraster
Sorcerer 3 -- Human Sorcerer
STR 8 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 10 CHA 18
Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Spellcraft
Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation) 2, Combat Casting
I'm very appreciative for all the help you guys have given me, but I'm not out of the woods yet
Trying to decide on the Favored Enemies for Murithi.
Mourn, the Drow Bard, is a mixed bag. RP wise he’s wonderful, but is starting to feel a bit like EverQuest (constantly having to switch between song and attack reminds me of twisting bard songs in EQ). I love having a walking ID spell, and the whole alchemist/loremaster vibe about him is really cool. However, with 16 INT Sandrue, the Sorcerer, has enough skill points for Diplomacy, Bluff, Concentration, and Spellcraft, with 1 extra skill point left, which I could use to fill up Alchemy or Knowledge if I replaced Mourn with a Druid. In which case I would most likely have to give up Knowledge. Obviously if I went with a Wizard I would still have these skills covered.
So there is still a conflict between who to take along for the whole ride as the 6th member of my party. The current Bard, a Druid or a Wizard (possibly Fighter 4/Wizard X).
I read in a walkthrough (I don't usually read them unless I'm stuck or after an area to see if I missed anything) that the final battle at the Palisade lead by Caballus and his Goblins and Goblin Archers will make or break you and test the full potential of the party you are adventuring with. This final battle was the easiest of the three for me, no one in my party took a single scratch, and it ended almost as quickly as it began.