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I'm here full time

Anything goes... just keep it clean.
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I'm here full time

Post by Kevka »

Had an aurgument with Cusser on the rilla forum, and stormed off. So i'm going to post here a lot more.

Here's the bit of the aurgument where I quit, if any one is intersted

You guys are a lot nicer than Cusser.
By Kev

Fine then
Cusser, you now show your true colours.

As you would wish it,

Farewell Rilla Forum, I'm leaving and I won't return.

By Cusser

The reason Kev left.

I've "shown my true colours" in removing the post of someone who was encouraging spam.

Thread is here, although I've edited most of it out, due to it being utter ****e.

He's leaving of his own accord due to my horrendous abuse of power in stopping him:
1. Acting like a **** and
2. Giving Rillaspora a bad name among others.

The moral of the story: Kev - Dont make me out to be the bad guy, you prick. If you want to post bull**** and ruin the reputation of others, you can get your own ****ing forum and do it there. You can come back if you like, but that would defeat your whole moral crusade of leaving because of me, wouldn't it?

Stay away or come back... either way, I dont care. You've shown your true colours by trying to place the blame on me, and everyone will remember that. How bold of you to leave when I've made you look like an idiot. You ****ing ****y.

Other peoples reaction:

Gowron: wtf?

Tom: *Waits for Kev to reply*

Malak: this is total bs! this totally sucks!! *pulls hair*

Furnace: Cool, should half the bandwidth useage of the forum now you're gone! Now if we could only get rid of the other spammers....

Rozza: Noooooo Kev, dont leave me here. If Kevs Leaving Im leaving. Nothing really on this forum besides Kev's Humor and sprite Comics

Cusser: Bye. Dont let the door hit your ass.

El Grande: Kev, move ur anime-****-spam-thing over to other forums. I dont think u posted one single post concerning the game in the last half of a year.

It's nice to know who your friends are, eh?

EDIT: My buddies Malak and Rozza have quit rilla too. And there coming here.
Drat, no pictures. Click here to see what my sig WOULD of looked like.

Here's my Comic Strip , it's a bit crap, but worth a read.
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Post by T'lainya »

Please don't bring your disagreements from other boards over here. I'm closing this thread for that, as well as violating the forum rules about swearing.
[url=""]GameBanshee[/url] Make your gaming scream!
"I have seen them/I have watched them all fall/I have been them/I have watched myself crawl"
"I will only complicate you/Trust in me and fall as well"
"Quiet more whine"