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Help!! Problem with Jaheira!!

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Help!! Problem with Jaheira!!

Post by Borja »

Help!! Problem with Jaheira!! (Minor Spoiler)

I have a big problem with Jaheira. Everytime I fight she goes berzerk! She doesn't speak nor does any sign of anything, she just goes mad and starts attacking everything, good or evil... It started to happen when I went to kill Bodhi. Jaheira suddenly attacked Drizzt and the other mates that were helping me. As soon as all enemies are dead Jaheira goes normal again. :confused: It's horrible, because I can't fight with her in my group. I must keep her far from the fight if I don't want her to go mad and do strange things. Does anybody knows how to deal with this problem?? :(
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Post by Idioteque »

I had a similar problem where Drizzt kept attacking Minsc after I had killed all the vampires. The problem was the vampires had charmed Minsc so Drizzt recognized him as an enemy and after the vampires were dead he went after Minsc. I simply locked Minsc in a room until Drizzt left.

You can always turn AI off while Drizzt and his freinds are around so Jaheira won't attack on her own.
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Post by Borja »

I'm afraid my problem is not just in the cemetary with Drizzt and the others. This happens everytime I fight since I defeated Bodhi. It doesn't matter if I fight against Firkraag or if I fight against one single orc, Jaheira goes mad and starts attacking everything, even my own NPC's. Her circle turns yellow, as if she were afraid of something, but she doesn't say anything... it's quite strange. I've played many times, but I never saw something like that... :confused:
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Post by trollkarlsgubbe »

Perhaps she's wearing somthing that gives her berserk/charm? Like the two handed sword of berserking or those collars you find when rescue haer dealis.
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Post by Ghazghkull »

I'm not sure since it never happened to me yet, but Bodhi prolly biten her, so u need to bring bohdi's heart to the temple ruins ( where tu need to type amunator with your foot ) there is a statue there, put heart inside and jaheira should be cured from the curse.
there is info about this in the bodhi's lair ( 3 book about it )
oh yeah and u might need to talk with some priest from ogmatha ( whatever the spelling ) in docks too
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