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Doomplate - spoiler

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Doomplate - spoiler

Post by davfra »

Could someone tell me if it is safe to wear the doomplate +3 armour that you get in the asylum? It doesn`t seem to have had a very healthy past.
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Post by fable »

Yes, it's perfectly safe. I asked about it a year ago, and it seems that the description has nothing to do with the actual item, itself. Too bad: I rather hoped some curse did befall the wearer, because it gave the description an aura of reality. There are one or two other items with similarly portentous descriptions that in the end do nothing. :)
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Post by JackOfClubs »

It's safe, but it's pink. :eek:

I usually give it to Viconia or Jaheira to make them seem a bit more feminine (at least until something better comes along.)
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Post by silent_assassin »

Where in the Asylum do you get it?
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Post by garazdawi »

IIRc you get it from a genie when you put all the items in their corresponding statues in the room right next to all the imps (right after Bodie let's you into her maza in the asylum.
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Post by Numinor »

You get it from a genie if you use 3 gems which you find throughout the maze with the portal guarded by some Mephits and a Rakshasa.
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Post by davfra »

I gave it to my main man, a fighter. He`s such a wimp! even Aerie - who`s in love with him - takes less damage.
Mind you, he does look rather sweet in pink.
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Post by Badseed »

I got the Doomplate last week, but I missed the Gorgan PLate in the Underdark (doh!). Anyways, you get the Doomplate from the genie that comes out of the mirror/watery-doorway on the first floor of the Asylum Maze. You use the gem you get from placing all the correct items in the statues. (12 statues) I believe the gem is a Sapphire. I believe that s the only item you get from the dorrway, the other gems found just spawn monsters to kill. The opal spawned a Greater Wolfwere.
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