That`s where I`ve been looking. There`s a large door right in the middle but it doesn`t seem to have a handle or any means of opening it.
What am I missing?
There`s a statue each side of the door. I can`t see any facility for speaking to either one of them.
I think I must have been playing this game too long. My head is starting to hurt!
Originally posted by davfra There`s a statue each side of the door. I can`t see any facility for speaking to either one of them.
I think I must have been playing this game too long. My head is starting to hurt!
I guess you have to go further west (left side of the screen). It's a huge head, not statues standing on the corridor.
"Strength without wisdom falls by its own weight."
A word to the wise is sufficient Minerva (Semi-retired SYMer)
Ye Gods!!! No wonder I couldn`t find it. I wasn`t even on the same floor. I`d killed Dace and naturally assumed the door was near him.
No wonder I couldn`t find it.
I`ve got to stop playing this game and take up chess or something.
Thanks for all the help.
you just need to play it a 1st time without using map and walkthrough
you only know that you need his hand when you talk to the statue a 1st time.
sometimes your own experience is better