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Underdark - Spoiler

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Underdark - Spoiler

Post by davfra »

I`m in the Underdark and I`ve collected some choice equipment. I seem to remember from when I played previously that this Drow equipment disolves when you get to the surface. Am I right in this and if so, is there any way around it?
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Post by knarf »

For as far I know every drow equipment disintegrates as soon as it is out of the underdark, I don't think there is any chance to avoid this.
So I think you're completely right.
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Post by davfra »

That`s what I thought. Oh well, never mind.
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Post by Idioteque »

I think some of the equipment, like the crossbows, doesn't disentigrate. But I always sell everything I've picked up before I go back to the surface.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Cheesy ways to save drow equipment

Yes, all drow equipment disintegrates at the surface. But there are some cheesy ways to circumvent this from happening. If you can get the drow equipment out of the immediate area of the entrance to the Underdark it will stay with you. One way is to load up Jaheira with drow equipment and then banish her from the party (if its the first time for this). She will return to the Docks with the equipment. This same cheese is supposed to work with other chars that you can remove from the party that will return to the Copper Coronet. When you pick them up again they will have the drow equipment and it won't disintegrate unless you return to the area of the Underdark exit. There is also a way to spread your party out so they can transfer the drow equipment from member to member until you reach the edge of the area where you exit Underdark area completely. Its a bit to much work for me to bother with as I don't think drow equipment is worth it. Anyway, you can give it a try. But really, if you want to play the cheese you may as well just cheat it into the game and save yourself the hassle (unless it really makes a difference to you) with CLUA Console commands or Shadow Keeper. Personaly, I don't try to keep any of it.
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Post by davfra »

Cheers everybody. No, I don`t use the CLUA Console. (Except to check on my romance!).
To me that`s too much like cheating. I use the walkthrough (First time around I didn`t). And that`s cheat enough for me.
I don`t entirely agree when you say their equipment isn`t special. Their bolts are very good.
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Post by Minerva »

Originally posted by davfra
Cheers everybody. No, I don`t use the CLUA Console. (Except to check on my romance!).
To me that`s too much like cheating. I use the walkthrough (First time around I didn`t). And that`s cheat enough for me.
I don`t entirely agree when you say their equipment isn`t special. Their bolts are very good.

Mmm, I don't want to be picky, but using drow equipment on the surface is cheting to me. They suppose not be available.

I have never seen the attraction of drow equipments, either. Their bolts are good, but not good enough to make me wanting to cheat my way with them, and usually Keldorn is the only one who use crossbow and he's got Holy Avenger by then, anyway. Their armours are also good, especially elven admantine (the one you can cast spells) if you have more than two mages. Still, I can get another later in the game and have already got Robe of Vecna which is better.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Also, be aware that if you use the cheesy methods, the armor will disintegratewhen you come back to the Underdark exit. Also if you use the second method UncleScratchy alluded to, it will disintegrate when you encounter Drizzt. Finally, it will disintegrate in the Sacred Grove in TOB (and I don't think there is any cheesy way around this last one).
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Post by davfra »

Well, with my original post I meant was there a non-cheating way to get it out of the underdark.
I`m out now and with all the non-drow equipment I`ve got, I more than satisfied.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

In that case I think Minerva's answer is definitive: using Drow equipment on the surface is cheating by definition. It shouldn't be able to exist in the sunlight.
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Post by fable »

That pretty much covers it. If the devs had meant you to keep possession of the good stuff provided your party was clever enough, they would have (probably) factored in some obvious clue leading to a sophisticated puzzle--and the reward might have been a method to keep the armor and weapons for sale, use or both. They didn't, so whatever you do to keep the drows' goods amounts to employing cheese or a cheat to circumvent the dev's intent.

Personally, I've got nothing against anybody wanting to do this, if they'd prefer. But we should call it what it is. ;)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by JackOfClubs
Also, be aware that if you use the cheesy methods, the armor will disintegratewhen you come back to the Underdark exit. Also if you use the second method UncleScratchy alluded to, it will disintegrate when you encounter Drizzt. Finally, it will disintegrate in the Sacred Grove in TOB (and I don't think there is any cheesy way around this last one).

remove all items from a single npc...make sure you're lawfully neutral, and summon a familiar, either by casting from the scroll, found at de'arnise keep, or potionswapping if you're not mage...

put the drow items you want in the npc without any other items...have the ferret pickpocket them...once pickpocketed, the items stay in a special inventory immune to checking...

drow items are ok, but the real prize is the rift device...

that item rocks...a ranged harm spell, that ignores magic resistance... :D :D :D

equip on a npc or pc that can cast simmy, using spell or helm of vilator, then clone, and the clone uses the rift device...(its only got one charge...) you can take down a lot of creatures in one use, and a single attack by a fighter puts them down for the count...or power word kill... :eek: :eek: :eek:

repeat when you know you're going to be going thru a check point...don't forget the exit of sendai's lair in tob... :p
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
repeat when you know you're going to be going thru a check point...don't forget the exit of sendai's lair in tob... :p
I knew there was another place, but I couldn't remember where it was. :p
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