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People that buried the person alive are not there (SPOILERS)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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People that buried the person alive are not there (SPOILERS)

Post by Iceyx »

People that buried the person alive are not there

I got the red cloth from the guy that was buried alive in the graveyard district, then went to the bridge district. the people that should be there arent there to kill, and the house next to where they should be is barred from inside so no getting in. any ideas?
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Post by Idioteque »

Before you left the graveyard district did you talk to the gravekeeper that tells you about the men in the bridge district?

Other than that it could be that you have the wrong house as all those houses in the bridge district look alike.
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Post by fable »

Iceyx, please note the site owner's sticky thread towards the top of the forum--and if you're going to start a thread that contains spoilers, put it in the title line. I'll do it, this time. Thanks, and welcome to GameBanshee. :)
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Post by Iceyx »

sorry about that-

and u were right, i had to talk to the guy in the graveyard
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