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worth playng bg1?

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worth playng bg1?

Post by FilipeTeles »

i just ended the game with a solo sorceror,solo mage,kensai/mage non solo,and i was playng with a solo archer
but i got a little bit tired than i remember my friend forgoten his bg1 cds here and now they are mine
it is worth playng bg1?i dont liked the begining iam at a mine and i got kicked by some kobolds my party is me pure mage,minsc,jaheira,khalid and imoen... what isthe best party with mages in your opinion?
it opens and expand you mind....You should try it......sometimes.....
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Post by Stilgar »

Yes it's worth playing BG1, the game is more chalanging (IMO) and it has a great story.

Remember Mages arent that powerfull in BG1 then they are in 2, so i would max 2 mages in a 6man team.

Edwin is a very good mage but he's evil. If you want a good mage choose Dynaheir, or play a mage yourself. (some people dual-class imoen, but i prefere here as a thief.

As for your party: I would go for the party you have. This is the party your supposed to start BG2 with. (don't forget to pick up Dynaheir ASAP or else minsc will leave your party.
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Post by Xyx »

BG1 is quite a step back from BG2 in terms of user friendliness and wondrous variety, but it has excellent story and adventure. Sure, having to fear kobolds may need a little getting used to, but I personally appreciate the low level setting. There's actual wonder and joy when you find a Sling +1 somewhere in the wilderness, and any upgrade (be it a level, a better item or a more interesting NPC) has more meaning.
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Post by FudD »

BG1 is pretty good....

I started BG1 with the intention to play all the way through BG2:ToB. I could have picked a better character but I like Dwarves so I am playing a Dwarf fighter/cleric. The game is much more challenging then BG2, IWD or the others with this engine. I beat BG2 several times 2 years ago and revisiting the series but playing from the start is very fun. Death comes often at this point but it should be rewarding once I get to BG2. I reccomend the first BG and it is cool to see the characters in their early stages.....all in all it breathes new life into an old game for me.
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Post by FilipeTeles »

i'm tired of my party so i did a solo mage(my second char and already a solo char)and its a lot fun.the problem is i have ot reload and i dont know whwere the traps are.
someone can answer me something?
what quests i should do first,i already did the nashkvel mines and the gnoll stronghold.There is anything i can do to carry all the stuff like the bag of holnding shadows of amn?
also where can i buy some scrolls?
it opens and expand you mind....You should try it......sometimes.....
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Post by The Z »


a) There are plenty of side quests in Beregost, The Friendly Arm Inn and Nashkell. Plus, there are a lot of areas to explore (Gullykin, Firewine Bridge, Ulcaster, wilderness areas)

b) No bag of holding

c) You can buy scrolls from the mage at High Hedge (west of Beregost), along with some pretty sweet items (robes and "unique" items)

Hope that helps :)
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Post by FilipeTeles »

thx u a lot i really need some spells
i killed a ogre mage named karah(something like that)the walkthrought say it drops skull trap and other scrolls but it just dropped some gems..what happened?
also when i will be alble to go to baldur gate?i already did the bandit camp,gnoll stronghold and nashkvel mines.
it opens and expand you mind....You should try it......sometimes.....
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Post by Numinor »

I think this belongs to the BG1 forum, but anyway...








You can enter Baldur's Gate after you completed the Cloakwood Mines.
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Post by Xyx »

Originally posted by FilipeTeles
the walkthrought say it drops skull trap and other scrolls but it just dropped some gems..what happened?
I'd say that it seems to drop random treasure, then.
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Originally posted by FilipeTeles
but i got a little bit tired than i remember my friend forgoten his bg1 cds here and now they are mine

Must be a good friend ;)

Anyway: BG1 is really worth playing, even only to get respect for the Ogre in area 3 :)
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Post by Sojourner »

To increase inventory capacity, get Tioma's Ease-of-Use mod.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Nifty. Hadn't heard of this one. :cool:
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