I have always been against cheats........but, Glacius did not have the acid head for the Flail (or I somehow missed it) my saves have been poor and now I seem to be stuck with either starting the game over in order to get the flail complete, or cheat. I added "DeBug Mode =1" (without the quotations) on the Baldur.ini [Program Options], but the cheat for the flail (CLUAConsole:CreateItem"BLUN14.ITM") doesn't seem to be doing anything. I read on another post that the flail should appear in the protagonists inventory, but it does not.
The diaologue after I try the cheat is;
lua: indexed expression not a table
Active stack:
Active stack:
Flail Of Ages Cheat (spoiler?)
Opening parenthesis after CreateItem missing, file type extension not needed, amount after the resource name required.
Opening parenthesis after CreateItem missing, file type extension not needed, amount after the resource name required.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
That only applies to items that can be stacked (such as arrows, potions, gems, etc.) or items that have charges (such as wands). It's not required for singular items such as weapons, armor, etc.Originally posted by Xyx
...amount after the resource name required.
In this case, you could use the following command and the result would be the same:
At least, it has always worked for me.
BTW, the item will not necessarily appear in the protagonist's inventory; it will appear in the inventory of the party member who is leading the group. I realize that most people always keep the protagonist in the #1 spot, so to most people this might seem to be a distinction without a difference.