well just capped Aerie(sp) without knowing about it.. i didnt know the cap was 275000 for multi class when they are put togeather.. having beaten the game before(i had nalia) i found that those higher lvl mage spells REALLY help.. funney thing before i never had any of the problems i do this time.. never had korgan(so noone wanted to bolt from my group) i had nalia as mage, great demon summoner, jahaira minsc and val... this time i switch 2 chars and i run into loads of problems, but back tot he question, i was thinking of losing aerie and getting imoen, but i need a chick that can demon summon and stuff, in other words get to teir 9 of mage spells. Ive never used imoen before(cept the beginning where i just kind of sat her in back while i did everything with minsc/jaheira/me). The only other option i would have would be nalia again.. but i think once shes refused shes gone? i could be wrong..
Anyone know of any other good mage ONLY chars? really need those demons and stuff
Well theres always Edwin but hes evil and will probally have a few conflicts with good part members. However he is a mage - conjurer. I havnt used him but id guess that he would probally be able to summon demons.
Err.. just read the thing about edwin on the NPC section, sounds like he gets into a fight with basically all of my members ;D maybe since im past undark he wont tho? i have aerie and korgan in group and it also said that they are impossible to keep togeather.. but they have never fought so dont know about that. i will try edwin after i leave this place
eddy is evil, and a lot of fun...he and minsc may fight...the happy patch in the ease of use mod will allow all your npcs to be one happy family....(a family of gibbering simians, grooming each other for lice! Bah, oh why did I ever leave Thay??? Brace up Edwin, you are on a glorious and important mission for the Zukir of Conjuration. One obviously a child's play for one of my immense and unspeakable talents, obviously!)