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Prince Thommel

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Prince Thommel

Post by zorax »


I have found Prince Thommel and he joined my group. He´s a very goog addition to my party and I would hate to lose him. The problem is that if I leave the Temple he goes away. Can I finish the game without leaving the Temple, so he stays with me till the end ?
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The Bishop
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Post by The Bishop »

If you don't ever want to be able to purchase better weapons... equipment... or sell your hoard... or rest in a safe place...
What allignment is your party? Prince Thrommel's gift (which arrives after about 40 days) can be better for you than having Thrommel in the party.
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Post by zorax »

a gift? interesting

Thanxs for your reply, mr. Bishop. My party is Neutral Good, and I have Thrommel and Elmo with me. I think Elmo sucks, but I haven´t found anyone in the temple better than him. I hate those useless thieves. I read that there is a king of trolls that could be used. Is him the one that the master of the water temple (I forgot his name) asks the party to convince to come to his temple as the first task ?
And just one more thing: how many levels are there in the temple ? I have already ´cleaned´ all the first three levels.

Thanxs again!
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The Bishop
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Post by The Bishop »

Neutral good huh... good

Then (note I'm trying not to give away too much) take Thrommel out and wait for his reward. Which takes about 40 days. After which, you'll be approached seemingly randomly during travel from one place to another.
I found a nice safe place to rest (Used house in Nulb).
Point to note... make sure everyone is on full health before you rest, otherwise it'll calculate how much health you'd regain ignoring your total health.. and on my computer at least... crashed something horrible.

The king of trolls... is a big troll in bone armour. He's useful to have along, as per all trolls, unless you use fire or acid, or coup de grace (which isn't meant to work in PnP, and the AI will never use anyway) he wont die... not only that but he'll get better while you wait.

And I can't remember how many levels of the temple there are.
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Post by Humbas »

4 levels...

plus the secret level.

And at my game it didn't take so long for prince Thommel to send me my reward (I can't say exactly, but the period was shorter than 40 days)
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Post by curseman »

king of trolls is better than elmo

Once i intimidated The King of Trolls to join my party, i left Elmo at that point. King of trolls starts off with 103 hp, at least my guy did, and level 1 (but for a king of trolls, i dont know if level 1 means the same as other NPC's as he has three attacks and can do Barbarian Rage just like a barbarian class does. I used him for clearing out a couple levels of the dungeons (you can equip him with a shield and he gets the benifit to his AC but he still gets 3 attacks, so make sure you give him a shield)

Once I met and recruited the Hill Giant in dungeon level 3, i killed off the Troll King, as his heavy suit of armor and helmet "fit perfectly" on the Hill Giant and gave me a AC of 29!!! One neat thing is that both the Hill Giant and the King of Trolls is able to use my Fungus Figurine that no other character of mine could operate. Its kinda neat, each time it summons a different fungus and helps "distract" you enemies as you can place them next to them and they will attack the fungi and allow you to get some extra attacks in on the bosses.
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Post by Valarauka »

Monster NPC

Well yes...

Those two are excellent NPC
My NE party...with a rouge, cleric / fighter, druid, fighter and wizard, excels with these two additions...

To old Scorpp I let him have a Banded Mail + 1 and a Large Steel Shield + 2, now he is lvl 10 and can get boosted up to 41 in AC (not even that fungi demon lord could touch him ), plus he got Power Attack and Cleave

The trolls is another good example for a good NPC, he only gets Non-Lethal Damage and is quite useful against other evil minions....

The reason that they are labeled lvl 1 is because I think they got their Racial HD and 1 class level (in case of the Troll is barbarian in case of the Hill Giant is fighter)

And they can use the figurine...i guess, because they are of evil alignment....
my Cleric/ Fighter (LE, Hextor) can use it...
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Post by Sgruik069 »

I've got two problemes on the Dungeon Lvl.3 :
- I can't go threw the Secret passage to #6, and where you'll need to go to recover the Orb of Golden Death. I discovered the passage but I can't go into it, my characters just walk on it.
- I can't discover the secret room where Prince Thrommel is. I've got a lvl 10 Cleric but when I use the spell "Detect secret passages" (sorry for the traduction, I've got the french version), even with all the buffs I have, he doesn't "see" the secret door.

Thx for helping me, if you can.
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