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Class mods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Class mods

Post by KoreeGahn »

First post, need help

Yup this is my first post.. Nice to be here..

I just recalled one time having a race mod or something like that installed, actually it's a very cool mod. It allowes you to become, instead of just dwarf you can be duergar and shield dwarf and so on...

This goes for all the other races too... very cool if you choose an elven character because that allowes you to be drow :D , always dreamt of that....

Now to the problem... I can't remember where i got it from :( and that sucks big time... anyone know where to get it??

Any help would be Appreciated...

Koreegahn the Mightiest Dwarf in all of Faerûn... MUHAHAHAHAHAH
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Post by lompo »

Aren't you confusing with IWD2 where you can choose subraces?
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Post by fable »

@KoreeGahn, welcome to the forum! Hope you'll enjoy your stay, here. Be sure to read the site owner's rules, and the sticky threads at the top of the page. One of 'em contains a ton of information about mods. At least, that's a good place to start.

One other thing: it's better to include something about your question in your thread title (unless it's a spoiler), just so that people who have an answer will be drawn to the topic. I've taken the liberty of changing yours, accordingly. :)
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Post by Saitoh »

I think you mean the subrace mod.

It can be found here:
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Post by KoreeGahn »

Yes Saitoh... that's the mod.. thank you very much for the help..
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. -- Saint Thomas Aquinas

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.-- Albert Einstein
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