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Multiplayer trouble

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Multiplayer trouble

Post by daw268 »

I am attempting to play multiplayer in IPX mode, and I cannot create a game on either of the 2 computers on my LAN, the screen appears with the "New Game" and "Load Game" buttons, but when I click either of them, nothing happens; in any other form of multiplayer game, when I click either New game or Load game, it does the correct action.

Also, when attempting to play multiplayer with TCP/IP, it always fails to find game session. Both computers are on the same LAN, and have the same IP address.

Is there any way that I can play multiplayer with the other computer, since either above method does not work? if anyone has any idea of why they don't work, please let me know

Running the Official patch (bg2soapatcheng.exe from interplay's site)
and the XP cap remover and lvl 50 rules from
(BG2_lvl50) (BG2_XPCAP)


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