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Trigger Spells - Spoiler

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Trigger Spells - Spoiler

Post by davfra »

Could someone please explain what trigger spells are?
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Post by nephtu »

Trigger spells

Trigger spells (and contingencies) are your best friend in the whole world.

They allow you to cast one (or more) spells and create a special ability icon - selecting this icon triggers those spells instantly. The spells are consumed along with the trigger when initially cast, not when used, so they allow you to preload some extra spells for nasty fights, as well as speeding up your casting (contingencies don't consume your 1 spell-equivalent action) Cleric/Mages can do some wicked stuff with these.

Triggers first:
Minor sequencer (level 4) - two spells of first or second level (two spooks, chromatic orbs, magic missiles, etc.)
Spell sequencer (level 6) - three spells of 4th or lower (triple fireball, or sunfire, or malison, remove magic, slow)
Spell trigger (level 8) three spells of 6th, or lower level (a fave of mine is Lower resist X2, breach, lots of other possibilities)

Contingencies are similar, but are not triggered at will, they are set off by a condition such as see enemy, helpless, 50% health, etc. Contingencies can be cast WHILE PAUSED and do not count to alacrity, making them incredibly powerful
Contingency (level 6) - one spell of up to 4th level, must be targeted to mage casting it (think stoneskin)
Chain contingency (level 9) - three spells of up to 8th. level, can cast on self or others..(triple Abu-Dhalzim, 3XProj. Image, Pro MW, ProME, Impr. Invis, the possibilities are endless)
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Post by davfra »

That`s great. I`m just about to meet Irenicus for the last time and I never knew about trigger spells. I`ve searched in the manual and can`t find any info on them. (Mind you, the print`s so small, I could have missed it.)
Could you please tell me how you set them up.
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Post by nephtu »

It's easy..

Just cast the relevant spell, and use whatever spells you have memorized. So, for a spell trigger, you might want Lower resist X 2 and Breach (obviously, you must have them memorized) when you cast spell trigger, select the level and then the spell, to put it in the trigger. Then you're ready to go. For contingencies you set the condition, and, for chain contingencies, the target.

Note that both require sutitable targeting - target a party member with a trigger loaded with stoneskins, and nothing will happen.
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Post by davfra »

I`m sorry, but I don`t have a clue what you are talking about.
Could you please give me an idiots guide as to exactly how to set them up?
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Post by nephtu »

Ok, try this

Perhaps just try casting the spells, and let me know what difficulties you run into.

Here's an example sequence using spell trigger to cast Lower resist X2 and Breach

1) Have spell trigger, Lower resist X 2 , Breach available to cast
2) Cast spell trigger
3) A screen will come up with three slots in the lower part (for the spells you want to load in the trigger. It will default to level 1 mage spells, there is a button to switch to cleric spells. Select the + tab to increase spell level (up to 6) & - to decrease level. In this case you will go to level 5
4) You will have a red split heart icon for Lower resist, and the breach icon (also red), plus possibly other spells as well. The spell icon will have a subscript for how many of that spell are avialable to place in your trigger.
5) Select the spells, in the order you want them to cast, say LR, LR, Breach
6) select the DONE button at the very bottom of the screen
7) The caster's portrait will now have a swirly icon on it, and a special ability icon will be available to cast the trigger (you must activate it).

Now, to use cointingency, to cast stoneskin (on yourself, of course) when you see an enemy, do the following:
1) Have contingency and stoneskin available
2) Cast contingency
3) A similar screen will come up, with condition (the event that will trigger the contingency) and target (must be yourself for contingency, CHAIN contingency can target others) - you will select see enemy for the condition.
4) Select your spell(s), as you did with the trigger, only this will be the blue hand icon for the level 4 spell stoneskin
5) Select the DONE button
6) The caster's portrait will have a contingency icon. No special ability icon will apprear, but you can actually check (and dispel, if you wish) the contingency, by looking in your spellbook. You do not have to activate it yourself, it will trigger automatically once a red circle NPC is in sight of that character.

Hope this helps!
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Post by davfra »

2) Cast spell trigger (!?!)

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Post by garazdawi »

You have to memorize the speel called minor speel seqence (or whetever trigger u want to use), and then cats that spell as you would cast any spell.....
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Post by Galmar »

must... resist... urge... to... stab.

Tell me your characters class, and who is in your party so i can see whats going on here.

Note, you have to MEMORIZE the spell CALLED "Contingency", Its a 6th level mage spell as i recall.

Have you ever seen a mage in the game (like lavok) who when you see him / attack him instantly casts a bunch of spells on him self? like 3 at once? THAT is using contingency / chain contingency.

Firstly you need to be some sort of mage / specialist mage / wild mage to cast the spell, sorcerers can cast it from scrolls, but they cant LEARN it if they have allready learned their level 6 spells.

Anyway, if you do have the spell in your spell book and you can cast level 6 spells then MEMORIZE the spell, also memorize whatever spells you want to use it with (i recommend 4th level spell "stoneskin") then REST.

Now when you wake up CAST the 6th level spell "Contingency" (cast it like ANY spell). Now, when you do this a screen will pop up, from here you can select spells (i reccomend STONESKIN, 4th level) and whatever you want to trigger the spell off (you can have things like... if you see an enemy, if you get hit, if you have 50% hit points left... ect) i reccommend you select the 50% hitpoints one. Now set the target to "self" or "caster" (cant remember, havnt used in a while) and click ok.

Upon doing this the spell stoneskin will dissapear from your memorized spells (as if it was cast). Now, when you reach 50% hit points you will automatically cast STONESKIN upon your SELF.

Note, you can rest with this contingecy in place... you can reset and remormorize any spells you want, this contingency will stay in place until it is triggered (even if that is the entire game).

Thats about as idiot proof as i can make it, in future try to experiment before asking questions, if you want more specific details on the spell look it up in your spellbook.
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Post by davfra »

`Thats about as idiot proof as i can make it, in future try to experiment before asking questions, if you want more specific details on the spell look it up in your spellbook.`

If answering a question makes you impatient, don`t bother answering.
Do you understand that concept?
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Post by Galmar »

Originally posted by davfra
I`m sorry, but I don`t have a clue what you are talking about.
Could you please give me an idiots guide as to exactly how to set them up?

Thats what the idiot's guide comment was in referal too, note that i made the account rather then try to find my password (in the habbit of using cookies) i merely tried to help by being as specific as i could be, however if my help isnt appreciated ill take it elsewhere.

I simply saw you were having problems (despite nephtu's step by step discription), couple this with the fact that you called the topic a spoiler... this added to the fact that by simply casting the spell it would be self explained... this also added to the fact you asked "how" to cast the spell led me to believe you had some learning difficulties.

Now i do hope that didnt sound offensive, but im too lazy to delete it and reword it into something that sounds nicer.
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Post by nephtu »

Originally posted by davfra
2) Cast spell trigger (!?!)


Spell Trigger is a regular level 8 spell, as are Minor Sequencer (level 4) and Spell Sequencer (level 6). Similarly, contingency is a level 6 spell, and Chain Contingency is level9.

As Garazdawi said, they cast like normal spells. If you don't have them, you can use Shadowkeeper to add them in.

Good luck!
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Post by davfra »

Nephtu, thanks for that. It was the trigger spell that confused me.
I have got the manual but the print is far too small for comfortable reading for me at my age. I did check the index and there`s nothing mentioned.
Anyway, thanks to your help, I now know what they are and how to use them.
I`ve only just got to the level 8 spells so I`ll be able to use them soon.
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Post by Harbinger »

Spell Triggers

I just have one tidbit to add, and that is you should have triggers setup before you get into combat. Triggers are combat preperation spells. So cast the trigger spells as soon as you have them memorized like right after resting so you have a full spellbook to choose from.
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Post by Xyx »

Actually, the trigger variants that you can load three spells into make for decent casting during combat. Casting/loading one and then firing it takes the same time casting two spells would, but you get three for that.
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Post by garazdawi »

Originally posted by Xyx
Actually, the trigger variants that you can load three spells into make for decent casting during combat. Casting/loading one and then firing it takes the same time casting two spells would, but you get three for that.
and you use up four... efficiency is lost with speed....
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Post by Xyx »

It's a tradeoff. Sometimes you need speed more than a level 8 spell.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
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