Getting back to the point, the drow cast something called 'contagion' (I had to scroll back and see what caused it), which is -2 str, dex and cha, and after letting the game run for an hour while I had dinner, it's still there - so am I to assume it's permanent until 'cured'?. I've searched the manual and can't find the spell anywhere. Is this the elusive 'deep gameplay' that everyone keeps prattling on about? Does that mean Viconia gets to rest and memorise a cure spell that she had never used before? Whee! Are there any other spells that aren't in the manual that will allow me to search it fruitlessly and be even more bored than I already am?
Where is the 'rich story' and 'npc interaction' that I've read about?
Is that the stuff like..
'Hi I'm Val and my mummy and daddy were undead so I killed them and now we have everything in a dungeon and get phat lewt'
or maybe..
'Hi I'm Maz and I have to avenge my friends by um... killing everything in this dungeon and getting phat lewt'.
or perhaps..
'Hi I'm a fruity amateur poet and oops! Help! I've been kidnapped and to save me you'll have to um.. kill everything in a dungeon and get phat lewt!'
or could it be..
'help! my daughter has been kidnapped by an evil villain, and to get her back you'll have to um.. kill everything in a dungeon and get phat lewt'.
But then I guess they must be the 'involving side quests', presumably since they involve quest-like activities on, well... the side!
Okay, so I gather that the 'deep' part means that it's mostly underground, the 'involving' part means that they involve doing stuff (mostly underground of course).
So that brings us to what one assumes is the 'plot', which is of course..
'I'm Johnny the Irritable Elf and I stole your soul, so you have to um... kill everything in *lots* of dungeons and get *lots* of phat lewt'.
Have I missed anything?