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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by davfra »

I`m in chapter 6 and when I rest it says I`ve rested for 24 days! The length of time varies, but it`s always a long period.
This has never happened to me before and I`ve been right through the game on previous occasions.
I don`t mind if it makes no difference to the game but I`d hate everything to go pear shape at this late stage.
Help would be appreciated.
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Post by Numinor »

If you have enbled "Rest until healed" in the game options your party members will try to use their healing spells until all characters are at full HP. If you have few healing spells memorized (or none) and several badly injured characters resting can take several days or even weeks.
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Post by Galmar »

Ugh sorry about the late reply, had some problems trying to post.

But yes, you have "rest until healed" turned on, a pretty annoying feature imo, this coupled with you not having any druids / clerics OR having "cast healing spells upon rest" turned off OR you arent memorizing any healing spells with your druids / clerics.

Without "rest until healed" turned on, you rest for a period of 8 hours per rest, after this all spells and special abilities for charged items are restored, and most characters will heal 1 HP (modified by constitution slightly, like 1-4 hp (not sure on that tho)).

Your ingame time must be well over 200 days if youve been resting like that, heh when you finish lemme know the final readout, might be some sort of record.
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Post by davfra »

That would explain it. I lost Aerie (That swine Bhodi!) for the time being, and consequently, I have no medics in the team at the moment.
All the same, 24 days does seem a bit excessive.
As long as it doesn`t spoil the game, I don`t mind. My game time is on the long side this time cos I`ve done just about every quest available. My kensai/mage is on 13/13 and I can`t wait for that next level up.
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Post by Numinor »

24 hours is nothing ;) . I once rested 31 days, 8 hours because I accidently hit the Rest button in one of those Anti-Magic-Zones in Watcher's Keep where spells don't work.
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Post by nephtu »


You can take as long as you want - the game time at the end doesn't matter. Some specific quests have time limits, but not many.

If it bugs you, maybe revert to an earlier save.
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