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questions about mods???

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questions about mods???

Post by damoncavalier »

hello.i have some questions about modding my game.i am in the middle of my umpteen jillionth time thru bg2,and after i finish it would like to try out some of the questions.........will i need to finish my game (am in the asylum)to install any of them?#2does modding the game replace some or all of the content of the original game?#3excluding any romance or npc mods(for now)hows about some recomendations?I have all the bg series game and the expansions to them (bg & tosc,bg2 &tob)and have up until now havent given much thought to modding them.thanks in advance.
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Post by fable »

will i need to finish my game (am in the asylum)to install any of them?

If you mean, will you need to restart the game for a mod to take effect, check the documentation with the individual mod.

#2does modding the game replace some or all of the content of the original game?#3excluding any romance or npc mods(for now)hows about some recomendations?

Why not check the sticky threads at the top of the page, labeled "BG reference crossroads" and "Well-balanced mods"?
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Post by Harbinger »

First welcome to the forum demoncavalier. Now to answer your questions.
#1 No you don't need to finish a game to install a mod, however it is recommended that you restart since you may have past much of the mods content.

#2 Yes mods often replace some of the original content, however most mods are easy enough to uninstall. You could also make backups of your original files override, dialog.tlk, and chitin.key files and restore them later if you don't like a particular mod.

#3 Well this depends on what type of game you would like. If you want a greater challenge the Tactics, Spell 50, or Ascension would certainly offer a challenge. There are also mods that add tweeks to the game like Rogue Rebalancing, and Oversights. While others like Banter and Flirt Packs have additional dialog options. This is just a brief list, again it all depends on what kind of game you would like. Check the reference crossroads for a full list of mods. Most mods have their own forums check them out if you want more info or have compatibility concerns. I currently have about a dozen mods installed, and have had very few bugs.
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Post by damoncavalier »

thanks for the replies-i appreciate the help.i didn't even see the mods sticky-kinda happens to me when im up all night playing bg2-my eyes start getting blurry.
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