I was just wondering if anyone else came across this battle.
After I finished the 8 chambers (the last one was crazy one cause the flame strikes were almost literally chasing me...zzz) I first come across this burial with four iron golems guarding it, if you try and open the locked tomb, they release poisin gas and start attacking, which i found crazy because even my characters with my monster army couldn't come close to beating, so i give up on that. Then after you come across another gate to the right of the one you came in onto of a hill, then the dwarves suddenly pop up and say they want to kill you, so i killed them. Anyone else get this one? I couldn't find it covered in the guide.
Note: I didnt accept the dwarven mission to kill the Black Raven's (for some reason i still could even though i didnt have a single evil person in my party )
Basically Iron gollems can only be effected by +3 or better weapons. Ranged weapons due liitle good. Electrical attacks slow them and fire attacks heal them. Basical arm your whole party with +3 melee weapons and attack like a fighter does. They also have a breath weapon of poisonous gas.
I think you should try visiting the dwarfs in the hook horror lair again, buy some magic items. Then if posable, get the quest to destroy the Keepers of Black Raven. Destroy them the collect your baunty from the dwarves then fight them at the Gates of the underdark. Either way you have to fight the dwarves. You get exp. for killing the Black Raven Monks the n kill the dwarves, (after collecting), and will not even see them in the underdark. It's all for role playing interest, do what you feel is best.
^^ Thx for your help again, but I already killed all the dwarves and raided their place so meh ^^;; I might come back to kill them later. Well personally I was thinking of killing all the monks but they were kind to me so I'll be kind to them ^^ Those dwarves were threatening me .
iron golems ARE affected by +3 or better weapons, misile and melee. the thing is, the ARROWS/BOLTS/BULLETS/DARTS have to be of +3 enchantement, not the weapon that fires them.
by this time i usually have:
throwing axe of shoking burst (battlesquares)
arrows +3
arrows of piercing (from Thavo from the wandering village, i think)
arrows of sure striking (from the ice palace)
bullets of sure striking (ice palace)
my favorite tactic is to summon a lot of undead (immune to poison), set them up in the "choke point" just south of the gate that leads to the dwarves, set up the party at the gate itself, armed with ranged +3 or better weapons. then get one char to run to the tomb, open it, and run to the rest of the party. because of the "bump through friendly" fix for the Ifinity Engine pathfinding issue, the char will go right through the undead to join the rest of the party (if you feel cheesy, just use a potion of invisibilty). after that, start firing those arrows at the golems. i usually kill two or three before they go throuh the 6 undead.
here's some pointers:
* concentrate all your fire on one golem. once one goes down, the number of attacks on you/your undead army decreases, as does the number of the pouison clouds
* if you don't have +3 weapons for all your party, use the regular ones. a hit on a golem may cause no damage, but it will stop the advancement/attack animation, thus giving you more time to get in a hit that counts
* try to renew your undead blockade as they get wasted by the golems. wand of the dead from batlesqures works wonders here, as you don't need your undead to do damage, just to block the traffic.
* have a highly beefd-up frontman take the stand if the golems get through. he has to have a lot of HP's more than he needs to hit. dwarves work best here, barbarians especially. if you don't have a massive ho's fighter/barbarian, a beefed-up cleric might even be better here.
Another good way to solve this is defeating the dwarf party first, securing the exit, send your rogue back, pick the lock, grab the stuff and run out of the area.
But if you really want a fight do it at the narrow paasage near the exit to get the golems one-by-one.
I think you can buy +3 weapons from the merchants in the Underdark, unless I'm mistaken.
These two battles were some of the best in the game. The Golems were seriously tough, I had to keep running out of the poison gas clouds to heal and then run away again as a big one chased me. It was total chaos of the best kind. Finally brought down all the buggers though (fyi, the loot in the tomb is terrible, not even worth it except for the experience from beating the golems.)
The duergar battle was totally sweet too, albeit easier. Just use creatures to block the bottom dwarves and then use area spells to kill them. Use your fighters for the dwarves blocking the gate. I was still hurting from the Golem battle and forgot to heal so that made the battle even more interesting.
FYI, this area is not in the GameBanshee walkthroughs.
I'll pass the message onto Buck, and try to rectify that.
You know, I just have to write to complain again. I looked at the "Shackles of Roa" flail from this tomb and from the description it should be a pretty awesome weapon but it is totally weak. +1 and possible +2 strength?? Big deal. Who would even use this weapon at this stage of the game? The designers didn't seem to put much thought into some of the items in the game. The best weapons have no special history or story behind them, they have the standard vanilla description and then awesome stats. Kinda takes the fun out of acquring cool loot in the game. Although this is really my only gripe in an otherwise awesome game.