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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Shin Jaon
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Post by Shin Jaon »

I'm serious you wouldn't believe how easy all my fights have been with this spell. I killed Firkag, and finished the Keep Quest. This spell is great Im telling you. With the right placement of skull trap and theif traps You can make the best defense. Cast, close door, the idiots come to you!
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Post by nephtu »

Cheesy, yes

The use of "fog-of war" tactics like offscreen cloudkill and the like, or trapping spawn points/fight areas is very cheesy and broken. For extra fun, try using the ring of the ram to knock your target back into traps, bwa ha ha :cool:

It's partially corrected in tactics, but even there, liches who can cheat death are sometimes defeated by a simple doorway :rolleyes:
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Post by fable »

Oh, @Shin Jaon, this is the most venerable cheese ever purveyed on GB's BG2/SoA forum. It first appeared shortly after the game came out. Even the cheese merchants here look down upon it as an elderly husk, dry and unfit for human consumption. :D ;)
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Post by Shin Jaon »

shout, crash, bang, and shot down. Cheesy say you? Hehe, yeah true. Hurts me to think of how bad I've become... Huh... almost no dif between those that try to beat the game in a day with no side quests... Awww... Shin learns first lesson in BG2 gaming, somebody has to keep me straight, strange to say this but thanks guys ;)
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Post by Galmar »

"Sleep" is cheese, keep resting for 8 hours! whats with these people.

Really though i did grit my teeth and want to beat you with a giant pool-cue shaped lump of cheddar upon reading this.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by fable
Oh, @Shin Jaon, this is the most venerable cheese ever purveyed on GB's BG2/SoA forum. It first appeared shortly after the game came out. Even the cheese merchants here look down upon it as an elderly husk, dry and unfit for human consumption. :D ;)

yep, even i eschew it...

an i am the worst cheeser in existance... :p :p :p

besides, baldurdash patch fixes it... :D
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
yep, even i eschew it...

an i am the worst cheeser in existance... :p :p :p

Ladies, gentlemen and orcs, even The King of Cheese eschews it! I rest my case. :D
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Post by nephtu »

Mind you..

Like the doors trick, it's pretty cool when/if if you discover it independently... I thought Kensai/mage was a cool class cheese discovery, too :eek:
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Re: Cheesy, yes
Originally posted by nephtu
The use of "fog-of war" tactics like offscreen cloudkill and the like, or trapping spawn points/fight areas is very cheesy and broken. For extra fun, try using the ring of the ram to knock your target back into traps, bwa ha ha :cool:

It's partially corrected in tactics, but even there, liches who can cheat death are sometimes defeated by a simple doorway :rolleyes:

trapping spawnpoints is quite cheesy...but with a little imagination, traps can be funny, (though still cheesy)

try using explosive traps to blast enemies right into spike traps...

Muwahhhahahahha!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

been experimenting with drooling idiot 12 or so, just enough to use scrolls and wands...

chain contingency

maze, inc cloud, inc cloud...cast on self, when enemy sighted...

most of the time, the idiot is mazed long enough for the enemies to all die horribly....not quite as cheesy as firing area effect spells outside of the fog of war, but still funnier than heck...

those are the more advanced and funnier versions of fog of war and trapping spawnpoints cheeses... :p ;)
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Shin Jaon
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Post by Shin Jaon »

So am I the official big cheese now??? That doesn't sound right...
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Post by Ian Kognitow »

Even though I normally play thieves, I still have trouble identifying *nonof -chesse* implementations of traps. Even the idea of a trap would seem to imply a site that an enemy would naturally try to approach or enter - pretty much a spawn point.

***vague TOB spoiler***

And then, even if it's boring, it seems to make normal tactical sense to trap, say the spawn points of the Watcher Keep level 5 locks, especially after having enemies pop out of them 1 or two times before. Similarly, Demogorgan's floor, especially with the menacing voice and weird shadows coming from it would seem to be the natural place to lay traps.

While other places like twisted rune are substantially more cheesy to rap, what, if anything, would people consider non-cheesy uses for traps? - at least anything that wouldn't involve rather complicated maneuvering and knocking opponents into them (like w/ring of ram or smite) which while fun, easier alternatives to winning battles could be found.
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Post by Mini Me »

trapping a corridor so that they can get past without walking into them (like they do to you, remember?)

so, not exactly where you know they will go (because you havent seen them yet) but where, if they did go, they couldnt avoid traps.

thats what i would describe as non-cheese
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Shin Jaon
So am I the official big cheese now??? That doesn't sound right...

nope, still me....

ian, pretty much the entire trap implementation in the game is cheesy...

the least cheesy way to use traps would be to lay down some, after you enter an area where some major ominous clues tell you you're going to be facing some tough enemies, like when you're first teleported into the twisted rune...

then when the enemy appears, run screaming like a little girl back to the traps...its not as cheesy as trapping spawn points...its actually just good tactics...

pc: entering a nasty area, hmmm...i better put some surprises down incase i run into something really nasty...oy!!! there is a big ugly monster chasing me!!! go feet, go!!! hey jan, you laid those snares like i told you??? good!!! now just follow me, big, ugly and smelly, and you'll get a big surprise!!!

edwin: urm, charname, while i understand its tactically wise and prudent of you to lay some snares down incase a particular area is monster infested, i really take exception to you shrieking like a little girl when you're luring the monsters back to pint size's little detracts from the dignity of the party in which I, edwin odessiron have graced with my presence.

pc: ok, eddy, next time, you be monster bait!!!

edwin: but of course, charname, and i assure you i will comport myself with more dignity...

(later, the party laughs their head off when edwin lures the monsters back to jan's traps, shrieking like a little girl)

(edwin, looking scorched and burnt, feels his forehead...)

edwin: You utter imbecil!!! that explosive trap burnt off my eyebrows!!!

jan: sorry, your mageness, i acidentally set up an explosive trap instead of a spike trap...(hides a grin behind his hand)
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Post by Ian Kognitow »

[QUOTE]Originally posted by UserUnfriendly

ian, pretty much the entire trap implementation in the game is cheesy...

the least cheesy way to use traps would be to lay down some, after you enter an area where some major ominous clues tell you you're going to be facing some tough enemies, like when you're first teleported into the twisted rune...

Heh, or pretty much any dungeon area. But then, as I sort of mentioned before it takes the approach/run away type maneuvering, which given the time that takes, and the imprecision of who might wander forward first to eat the trap, one should have better, more precise tactics to use instead of the traps.

I suppose that it would have been interesting if the game offered more scenarios where you had to defend some area *against* imminent attack instead of mainly stumbling across enemies. I haven't played to the end of the figher stronghold which I understand has something like this, but the only situation that immediately comes to mind of this sort is in the thief stronghold deal when you have some time to prepare before getting jumped by maevar's lover's goons. Although on that note, in possible cheese, I did still enjoy throwing down a lot of traps in maevar's own cellar, just out of his sight, before the fight with him. You'd think with all his rogues around they would have spotted them before I came back.
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