Originally posted by Astafas
I find it natural that a Bard doesn't have the same weapons profiency possibilities as a Fighter. That's why I think he's got an edge being Specialized and able to Dual without heavy penalties. And being able to use all weapons... BTW, speaking of fighting, have you thrown him in battle with full defences up, Offensive Spin activated and on Tenser's? You may as well let your other characters go for lunch...
Of course, I was also only giving an example
And yes, when I have him in the party, then only thing I use him for
is fighting (I edit his profincies a bit though...)
I give him CF, maybe belm for the extra attack, or that nice katana which you can get from Kurosian from the tactics mod.
Give him some nice spells, that gridle which gives u 18 constitution (another weak point of him by the way, his low hp
), offensive spin, and voila, he can also fight as a fighter. To bad his THACO sucks then, cause of the only * in katana's.....
But I guess you also got items and spells for that problemo