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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by Emphasis »


I started playing BGII again. (not very importend :rolleyes: )
When I used to play BGII i was busy with 'scripting'.
Write an IF-THEN script for a character with nice visual effects etc.
Its a really cool world beyond the basic RPG adventure gaming.
It was really cool and i want to start again but i forgot like most of it, i know i need near infinity (and shadow keeper to make cool looking characters) and i need some text editor with a compiler in it, i had a really fancy one but i forgot the name of it.

My question is can someone help me refresh my memory and help me get the name of this text editor /w compiler or post me a link to d/l his text editor. It was made for BGII scripting so...

Please help me out. Thanks!
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Post by Xyx »

Near Infinity allows you to edit scripts, but it's not the most user friendly text editor.

I myself use ConTEXT, which offers keyword highlighting and allows you to hotkey the aicompile.bat that ships with the game.

I myself don't use ConTEXT for compiling but AIScriptFactory, a program that allows you to select bits of script to assemble and compile scripts from. It can be obtained at IE Modders, a Yahoo! group. Unfortunately, Yahoo! changed their policy so that you have to join a group before you can access the files, so I can't link to it directly. Joining a group is not a big hassle, though.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
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