Originally posted by Mysteria *a little puzzled*
How come Scayde can see through darkness?
Scayde was born of a world without magic, and when (for some reason Torm only knows) she came to Faerun, she was to be unaffected by magic. Which means that hostile magic does not hurt her, but healing or protective magic does not help her...
Originally posted by Mysteria *a little puzzled*
How come Scayde can see through darkness?
Hmmm..Maybe I misunderstood. I was under the impression that the drow had cast a blindness spell on the Dark Flames..if there is an area effect spell which alsters the light conditions, you are right..Scayde would be as blind as anyone else.
@ Gwally: Please let me know if I need to edit my post.
Scayde Moody
(Pronounced Shayde) The virtue of self sacrifice is the lie perpetuated by the weak to enslave the strong
If I understood it right, it's the spell called darkness Gwally meant, that would alter the lighting of the area so you can't see, not blind you. But then, this is only loosely based on D&D, eh?
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
Strictly speaking, Darkness is an area affect spell and should affect everything within that area, even those with infravision. Its not blindness, as such, but just an extreme lack of light...
What we really need is a cleric to cast Daylight now though, or an Arcanists Daylight to cancel it out.
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