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What weapons should korgan use?

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What weapons should korgan use?

Post by Iceyx »

currently using crom fayer(sp) and the equalizer on him, im on the 5th floor of watchers keep and tons of weapons have dropped but none seem to be as good as these, anything better than these 2 weapons?

Also i have valygar using celestial fury and storm star +3, anything better then these? i love celestian fury that swords the shiz, i just replaced flail of ages with storm star until i upgrade it at least, anything better?

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Post by fable »

Ravager +6? Hits anything, 10% chance of decaptating opponents with no save, does 1d10 +6 +3d6 damage, and whatever a character's additional strength gives 'em. This is a pretty serious weapon, well worth carrying around many cities at night.
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Post by Iceyx »

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Post by lompo »

Originally posted by fable
Ravager +6? Hits anything, 10% chance of decaptating opponents with no save, does 1d10 +6 +3d6 damage, and whatever a character's additional strength gives 'em. This is a pretty serious weapon, well worth carrying around many cities at night.

Ravager +6 is indeed a great weapon, but you can upgrade it very late in ToB (when you get the chance to upgrade FoA too) and the vorpal effect doesn't apply to bosses.
For Korgan I think Axe of Un. +5 is the best option: is a great weapon (vorpal effect, high regeneration, bonus to AC) and Korgan is G.master in axes (have you installed the mastery patch?), plus the last upgrade comes much earlier.
As off-hand weapon Crom is first choice, but take a look also to Defender of Eastheaven (best defensive weapon) and Kundane/Belm (extra attack with AoU !).

For Valigar CF is great, but consider also Foebane +5 (great weapon) as main hander (at least when you need an higher 0f +3 weapon) and definetly FoA +5, for offhand similar choice of Korgan: DoE, Belm/Kundane plus Hindo' Doom +4 (high damaging weapon and protect from instant death).
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Post by KoreeGahn »

Have to go with Crom Faeyr and Axe of the un.. 25 strenght, grand Mastery with axes, and could get it with hammers to= AN AWESOME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE!! When I play with Korgan I always do this, and he kicks SO much ass!!
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »








For a ranged weapon, I also suggest that you give him K'logarath (sp?), a +4 throwing axe. It will knock down every opponent that does not make a proper save vs. death, and if they are knocked, they'll take an additional 2d6 damage with every hit.

K'logararth can be purchased from Carras the smuggler in Amkethran.
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Post by nephtu »

Korgie's weapons..

Assuming he's still an axe user (i.e. you haven't modified his weapons expertise) - I'd have him use Axe of Unyielding with Crom Faer offhand when dual wielding, with Kl'ogarth (I can't remember the spelling either) for ranged.

Best offhander for Valygar is probably Sanchuudoku from Tactics mod - otherwise, equalizer isn't bad for the protections, Defender of Easthaven for the damage resistance, Runehammer upgrade for negative planes protection (or even the Mace of Disruption) - mucho choices.

Remember, for your dual wielders, the offhand weapon is mainly providing secondary beneficial effects, more than adding damage - the Flail of Ages is a superb main hand weapon, but a lame offhander.

Two handers suit to character expertise, if any - Ravager / Dragonbreath (elementaldamage is so nice for disrupting casters), Impaler (especially upgraded), Unholy Reaver (?name? the Lifetap two hander from the Underdark) - if you don't have anyone else using them, there are some super staves, like the staff of the ram.
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Post by Sononara »


I have been lucky enough to find lots of powerful weapons in my playing time, and my former kensai was g master in katana's. He Hindo's Doom +4 and Daystar+4. He also had Celestial Fury plus three and Foebane +5. He was quite scary. Now I have a paladin, g master in two handed swords, he either uses carsomyer +6(sp) which is what he uses most, or The Equalizer + i cant remember the number.
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Post by Elemental ZOOT »

i think korgan should use an axe :)
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