Well, it is my understanding according to DnD rules that 'Prestige Classes' don't count towards the EXP Loss, but I was wondering if anyone had tested it for sure in Neverwinter Nights.
Secondly I was wondering what people's opinions were on whether to Multi-Class Rogue (50%) / Fighter (50%), or if I should become a Rogue (50%) / Fighter (25%) / Weapon Master (25%) or any other combination of those three classes. (My character is basically a Lockpicking / Trap Disarming Fighter that Sweet Talks first and follows up with three feet of cold steel if her first option fails.)
Basically my character is a human female that only wears Chainmail while weilding a Longsword and Large Shield, uses Whirlwind Attack against multiple enemies, Experise against foes that she can't afford to allow to touch her instead of Parry (Which after playing mostly through Chapter Two of the First Campaign I realized that I never once used without dying and that I really needed Use Magic Device to create several really cool items, so I won't be learning Parry at all this time.) and is a very smooth talker. She also won't be learning Hide or Move Silently due to a lack of Skill Points.
Character's Multi-Classing
from what i've read, prestige classes do not count count against EXP penalties. except for the exception where it seems a bug causes the prestige class to be set as "favoured" for humans and half-elves, if it happens to be higher than any of the base classes.
i see that your build for this character is a rather similar of one of mine. mine is rogue(9)/fighter(2), using no armor with finesse fighting specializing on two short swords. i found that there are many AC giving items, and with more rogue levels, i am more able with stealth on top of traps and locks, and i also use the mgic device skill.... <evil grin>
i've just taken a shadow dancer level and being pretty whup-shift+2,+4,+4 in both combat and otherwise thieving situations. but i suppose it is a choice. but reading this, u'd already know my suggestion between rogue and fighter levels!
edit: i choose more rogue levels! ok, not just to type that but that my build also requires maxing on DEX (doing whatever u can to push it up) and better with a human race selection. this should put your AC about equal to wearing heavy armors. also to note that if u can stun your opponents (namarra rapier and feyduster short sword) u get a sneak attack!
well, these are my 2 cents. read it and think about it, but do what u want, as u may come up with better builds! and if u do, note it here so i'll know!
i see that your build for this character is a rather similar of one of mine. mine is rogue(9)/fighter(2), using no armor with finesse fighting specializing on two short swords. i found that there are many AC giving items, and with more rogue levels, i am more able with stealth on top of traps and locks, and i also use the mgic device skill.... <evil grin>
i've just taken a shadow dancer level and being pretty whup-shift+2,+4,+4 in both combat and otherwise thieving situations. but i suppose it is a choice. but reading this, u'd already know my suggestion between rogue and fighter levels!
edit: i choose more rogue levels! ok, not just to type that but that my build also requires maxing on DEX (doing whatever u can to push it up) and better with a human race selection. this should put your AC about equal to wearing heavy armors. also to note that if u can stun your opponents (namarra rapier and feyduster short sword) u get a sneak attack!
well, these are my 2 cents. read it and think about it, but do what u want, as u may come up with better builds! and if u do, note it here so i'll know!