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Favorite Quest (guessing major spoilers)

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Favorite Quest (guessing major spoilers)

Post by Mr Vegas »

Hello all, I was just on my way to kicking firkraag's ass, and i was just wondering what everyone's favorite quest is... not many people talk about that, mainly just fav chars
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Post by Galmar »

Id have to say the planar sphere, specifically the fight with lavok, for my mage it was a good excercise in learning just how annoying mages can be, and how to effectivly use the many types of dispell.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

I really like the Unseeing eye quest. First of all the first time I did it I was pretty low level and it felt unbelievably difficult... until I found the shield of balduran that is. I try to stay away from that now. Also the Avatar of amanuator had some cool lines to say and I just think it surprised me a couple of times and the memory has stuck since. His beast was a riddle for the first time aswell. It was also the first time I encountered a lich in bg2, I got absolutely toasted then. He tells me not to open the coffin. If he didn't want me to open it he shouldn't have mentioned it hehe. I think the programmers found a very good way of getting us into the kangaxx quest there.
It has ofcourse lost its charm and difficulty since but I still like it. I also had a very memorable fight with the sewers gang down there and that could be counted as belonging to the quest as you are almost certain to run into them. You gotta love the " you had better hand over all your gold!" it is then impossible not to reply" I think you will hand over all your gold! :D "
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Post by Coot »

The bridgedistrict murders, because it takes you not only to the bridgedistrict, but also to the Umar Hills, Trademeet and the Underdark, even.
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Post by Phantom Lord »

Underdark, because of the utterly hostile environment.
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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by Bruce Lee
I really like the Unseeing eye quest... It was also the first time I encountered a lich in bg2, I got absolutely toasted then. He tells me not to open the coffin. If he didn't want me to open it he shouldn't have mentioned it hehe. I think the programmers found a very good way of getting us into the kangaxx quest there....
The Unseeing Eye quest (coupled with the Diseased Ones subplot) is also my favorite quest. But I think the lich should have been placed somewhere else. It was either a bad design decision or (more likely) a last minute thing. As we discussed in another message thread, if you kill Gaal when you first meet him in the sewers, you won't get the key from him, which will mess up the Kangaxx quest, which isn't even related to the Unseeing Eye quest. Things like that shouldn't happen.

My second favorite quest is the Umar Hills/Ranger stronghold quest. Like the Unseeing Eye quest, the storyline is intriguing, and it isn't just another boring dungeon crawl. If you get the stronghold, the people you helped actually treat you with gratitude, and I personally enjoyed naming all of the animals that roam around in the vicinity. :)
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Post by Aqua-chan »

The Slavers quests. Starting with releasing Hendak and the captives is in the Copper Coronet, then infiltrating the base in the Slums, and then the Guarded Compound in the Temple District. It's one of those game-wide quests that really seems to have effort spent on it. :)

Plus, upon killing the residents of the Guarded Compound, you'll find a quest-item Rogue Stone with a note that hints the direction of yet another quest - the Twisted Rune in the Bridge District.

I just find it extremely ironic that if you play a Thief and take Mea'Var's guildhall, you can import slaves via your smuggler underling and deplete the rest of the Slaving competition. :D But I play Chaotic Nuetral, so that's me.
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Post by Sytze »

I really like Suldanesselar.

The city has a great design and the environment is really chaotic. The music and the sound really give you the idea that the city is under siege (although a bit more battles between Elves and the invaders would be nice and more realistic, as far as realistic goes in the game)...
There are also some great enemies. I especially like Dragons. When facing a dragon Im having the best battles you can imagine.
Plus I like Elves :D

Runner up would be the Umar hills quest. Walking outside, in nature, then suddenly into a very dark place. Where again you face a dragon. Its great.
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Post by Fer'or »

I agree with Bruce Lee. The Unseeing Eye quest is a really great quest.
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Post by Coot »

Originally posted by Sytze
I really like Suldanesselar.

The city has a great design and the environment is really chaotic. The music and the sound really give you the idea that the city is under siege

I like that too. I remember going to Suldanesselar in my very first game and I remember the sense of urgency.
Slightly related: I also felt that when I landed in Saradush the very fist time. With the firebombs hitting and all, the screams, the archers shooting over the wall, the shaking, I was really impressed.
Ah, what I wouldn't give to be able to play this game for the first time, again... :)
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Post by nephtu »


I rather like the Talassan temple quests for evil clerics. I guess it's really the fights that get me going, though.

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Post by Aule »

i like the windspearhills/fierkraag quest,
i remember that the first time i battled fierkraag i just summoned a lot of monsters and send them uponm him then when he was whacking them my mage started firing a magic missile :p i did this lots of times only to find out he healed every time i rested. I rertreated so often that i had to leave the area and he followed but he ended up in the room were the prisoner was. so now he was like stuck. i summoned some monsters and skeletons and such sent them after him them came in minsc and my 3 mages(i really didn't knew how to build a party at that time.) well minsc died but got raised and i sold carsomyr but was glad with the red dragon scales but didnt knew what they were good for. Well i didn't finish the game that time.
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Post by Stilgar »

Faforite quest, thats hard.
I like the slaver quest (and everything attached). And i have to say Korgan's quest, the quest starts as soon as you have him, and you ahve to do it within a certain amount of time or else he leaves, and the quest can be quite hard.

I also like the Planer sqhere and the magestronhold that comes with it.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

Unguarded compound and Nalia's Keep in the original BG2.

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Post by fable »

While the Planar Sphere is a great deal of fun, I prefer Korgan's quest because of the extra sense of reality provided by his comments at various times. It really has a double function--not only does it give you a nice challenge, but a great introduction to a powerfully drawn character.
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Post by Most »

My favorite quest so far (since i haven't beaten the game yet) was working for Aran Linvail taking out Bodhi's little safe haven. Everything was hard with those stupid level drains(untill the Mace of Disruption+1), but now vampires are no longer even a little problem.

Also took out the Shadow Dragon last night, no one in my party died thanks to the tips i got from this site. I know that wasn't a quest, but it was my own little personal quest. Next is Fikraag...Damn i love this game.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

Making Anomen walk the plank on the way to Spellhold.....wait, that's not a quest :o

I really liked freeing HD's group of actors from that alternate dimension.....I don't remember any names though :D

But I HATE Jans quest :mad:
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Post by dragon wench »

I'm with the majority here, I really enjoy the Unseeing Eye Quest, lots of complex stuff going on, and it has a nice amount of challenge. :cool:

Probably my least favourite is Nalia's Keep. Pretty ho hum in terms of interest.. and it involves Nalia.. enough said :p
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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by fable
I prefer Korgan's quest because of the extra sense of reality provided by his comments at various times. It really has a double function--not only does it give you a nice challenge, but a great introduction to a powerfully drawn character.
That may be true, but the Book of Kaza doesn't hold a candle to the Umar Witch Project Journal. :)
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by VonDondu
That may be true, but the Book of Kaza doesn't hold a candle to the Umar Witch Project Journal. :)

And neither amounts to anything next to PS:T's Grimoire of Pestilential Thought, which trades spell knowledge for an increasingly nasty litany of foul deeds, and offers advice that gradually shifts your alignment to evil. :D
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