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SK help needed

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SK help needed

Post by DashGore12 »

i have been using SK for a while and have only experienced 1 problem. i cannot succefully load new items off SK to my char.
i save the game, load it onto SK, tell them to export item, then i save the SK and load up the hacked game. but the item is not there.... plz give me step-by-step instructions if neccasary to help me solve this problem.


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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

If you export the item it ends up in the override directory. You need to assign the item to a certainn on slot on the character. You do this in the inventory screen. Press a slot and select change item, scroll to the desired item and select assign.
Save and load.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

or use


it tends to be heck of a lot easier... :p
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