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Thieving Stats

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Mister Popo
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Thieving Stats

Post by Mister Popo »

I'm currently playing a dual-wielding swasbuckler.
As I don't want to backstab, I don't use hide in shadows a lot.
I do however, use my traps a lot.

Now my question is, what is the use of putting points in stats when they reach above 100.
Will I get better traps?
"We fight dogs and we chase cats..."
Chorus: "...ain't no trap can stop the rats!"
"Got no plague and got no fleas..."
Chorus: "...we drink poison, we steal cheese!"
"Mess with us and you will see..."
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Post by UncleScratchy »

More points of trap setting will not get you better traps. The only thing that gives you the better traps is the ToB expansion. While I've gotten a few failed trap setting tries at 90 points I've never failed a trap setting at 100 points. So putting more than 100 on it would be a waste. Use them on one of the other thief skills instead.
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Post by Stilgar »

What about other skills, is there any use in getting more then 100lockpick / detecttraps

(I know it's usefull for hide in shadows and move silently)
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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Post by Khrondor »

I dont rember any locks that 100 skill points in couldnt pick. As far as detect trap goes; I think more points increases the area of the search or makes the trap appear faster when u search (at least it appears so for me). Plus ive been able to detect traps and not disarm them because my skill was to low.
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