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Should I-Or Should I Not??

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Should I-Or Should I Not??

Post by Ertani »

I'm the head of the Mages, except I killed treb. too early, so I'm not.
I'm head fighter.
I'm head thief.
Head soldier.
Head assasin.
3/4 main quest.
I have full daedric (and every other) armor.
One of every fully enchanted daedric weapon.
A full set of rings that give me every ability I would need.

I killed someone I needed to finish Telvanni, and I'm not on comp, so I can't reload him.

I need to finish the game perfectly, but if I restart on Xbox, it'll be another 60 hours to get to where I was, and I'll probably make another mistake. Should I just get Morrowind for computer, so I'm able to respawn characters if I mess up?
Morrowind just crashes too often on Xbox and takes way too long to re-load.

What are your suggestions?
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Post by Zelgadis »

I'd suggest getting it on PC, if money isn't a worry. Morrowind is a lot more fun with mods and stuff, IMO
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Post by Loredweller »

Originally posted by Zelgadis
I'd suggest getting it on PC, if money isn't a worry. Morrowind is a lot more fun with mods and stuff, IMO

... and you'd be able to make mods of your own, what's a reason itself. Not mentioning you're going to be able to correct those bugs what occur time to time (and cheat if you wish to ;) , too).

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Post by Det100 »

Personally, IMO, the Xbox version is somewhat better. If only for the fact that it's just easier all around. I mean, ive played both and i like the Xbox better because its easier to preform actions. For example, if i want to equipo something, all i have to do is press a button, scroll a little, and press another button and BAM, i have the item equiped. Wheras on the comp, you have to open the menu, click on the item, and drag it all the way to the character. I know its not a huge difference but i like speed and i personally dont havethe patients to drag the items into my char. pic or drag them out of the menu to drop or decideing wehter i want to continue in a book, put it back or take it when i can just press "b"...but thats my opinion... :D
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Re: Should I-Or Should I Not?? (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by Ertani
...I killed someone I needed to finish Telvanni, and I'm not on comp, so I can't reload him...

...What are your suggestions?

There are alternate paths to finishing the game in case you've either killed a key person or just don't want to do all that mindless running around. If you killed someone in one of the Great Houses that was needed for a Horator vote you can still complete the game. Same goes for the four Ashlander tribes. There are basically two alternative ways to get what you need to kill Dagoth Ur.


First, if you reach a high enough level you will eventually be given an invitation to go see the Patriarch of the Temple in Vivic City. Its probably a good idea to do all the Temple quests as well (these quests will often take you into Red Mountain). Once you're to a high enough level (I've often gotten the message when I've reached somewhere around level 70) visit one of the three key Great House councelor/sponsors. I think I've even gotten the message from the Urshilaku Wise Woman once. If they tell you to see the Patriarch go there and the Patriarch will tell you that Lord Vivic wants to see you. Go to Lord Vivic and he will give you the Wraithguard and set you on the path to completing the main quest. You can do this regardless of which, if any, Blade quests you've completed. You might need to pick up Azura's Ring in the Cavern of the Incarnate but I'm not positive. I think I've always had the ring when I got this shortcut. You do not need to be given the Cavern of the Incarnate quest to get into the cave or to get the ring. Just find the cavern, wait until dawn for the door to open, go in and take the ring from Azura's statue. I often use this method to avoid all the Horator and Ashlander quests and some of the Blade quests. You can still go back later and do those quests if you want but its not necessary.

Secondly, you can pick the lock and disarm the trap on Lord Vivic's palace, enter and then kill him for a guantlet. This is the unidentified version of Wraithguard. You will then have to find someone to identify the guantlet for you and then train you in how to use it. You will need the three books (Hanging Gardens, Egg of Time and one other - the same three you had Belada study and translate). If you haven't done this quest (it was the quest Trebonius gives you from the Vivic Mages guild) you need to find the books. The last living dwarf in Tel Fyr can identify the books for you but I'm not sure he can train you. Beladas is the very old Telvanni mage living in Gnisis. Either he or perhaps the dwarf can translate the books and Wraithguard and teach you how to use it so you can wield Sunder and Keening without dying.
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Post by Ertani »

I've already killed Beladas. And Vivec. Actually I soultrapped Vivec, and used him to make my enchanted ring of full daedric armor and an axe
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Originally posted by Ertani
I've already killed Beladas. And Vivec. Actually I soultrapped Vivec, and used him to make my enchanted ring of full daedric armor and an axe

In that case you may very well have screwed up the game's main plot. If the last living dwarf can't help you then you'll never kill Dagoth Ur as you must have Wraithguard, Sunder and Keening. What possessed you to kill these two characters in the first place? Guess you will wander about the map aimlessly afterall.
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Post by Ertani »

Well I was doing some translating for the Mages when one of the corpses attacked me, and I swung and hit Beladas instead.
As for Vivec, I couldn't use my most powerful spells on the door, and I wanted to try and see if the shadow key (from being head theif) let you. And it did. And Vivec attacked.
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Post by Dorian_ertymexx »

*LOL* Hasn't anyone told you that it is EXQUISITLY stupid to break an entry upon a god?!?

Not that I didn't do it myself... ;) It seems that picking the lock yields no response from Vivec, but using the key you mentioned does. Hmm. Personally, I failed to join the thieves guild. Don't know why, but they wouldn't have me. Alas... ;)
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Post by Loredweller »

You probably just have solved the code book issue in wrong way (i do not believe you've done the Thieve Guild bosses killing for Hard-Heart).

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Post by Ertani »

i solved the code book the right way. i was going to kill the insiders (where they morag tong?) the same time that Jim asked me to kill what's-his-name. I became the head of both simultaneously. it was well planned, bcuz i was not going to make dumb mistakes: like with the mage guild, telvanni and temple.

fine, i'll spend another 40 bucks on morrowind for computer. the expansions will make it worth the while :)
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Post by Dorian_ertymexx »

Well actually, they NEVER wanted me. I joined the fight-club (pun intended) and mages guild, and became master of them both. The only group (that I am familiar with, I should add) that I have hade problems with is the thieves guild. I am restarting with a new character, and I'll try again. Thanks for the tips, I really want to master EVERYTHING!

Is it just me or does this game promote megalomania? ;>
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