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where is azuredge? - minor spoiler

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where is azuredge? - minor spoiler

Post by NTWAYNE »

After taking about a 1-yr break, I fired up BGII and began playing. Thought i'd try out some new classes, though I do miss my old Monk.

Well, I know I need to defend against some Undead rightaway, so after ripping off that guyin the Docks, I headed to pick up Azuredge. But its not there! I thought you bought it from Bernard or Joluv. Or Does someone else sell it?

Does it only show up after a certain amount of time? I really need my undead defense -- plus I want to go kill that Lich in the City Gates.
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Post by fable »

The Copper Coronet.
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Post by NTWAYNE »

azuredge in copper coronet

well, I checked both vendors there. Does it only appear after you wipe out the slavers next door? Because neither Bernard or Joluv have the item.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Originally posted by NTWAYNE
After taking about a 1-yr break, I fired up BGII and began playing. Thought i'd try out some new classes, though I do miss my old Monk.

Well, I know I need to defend against some Undead rightaway, so after ripping off that guyin the Docks, I headed to pick up Azuredge. But its not there! I thought you bought it from Bernard or Joluv. Or Does someone else sell it?

Does it only show up after a certain amount of time? I really need my undead defense -- plus I want to go kill that Lich in the City Gates.


Try freeing the slaves first.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

Yep. Bernard sells it, but he doesn't bring out his best stuff until the management improves. You have to have the option "Since Hendak has promised us a discount..." in order to get Azuredge, the Blade of Roses and a few other items.
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