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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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Tor Piland
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Post by Tor Piland »

I just finished the Siege Camp and I'd like some opinions on if I would be better off (in your opinion) to go to Watchers Keep next or to the Oasis and Amerthran or whatever its called? Would the goodies from WK help me more beyond the oasis or the other way around??? Thanks in Advance, Tor
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Post by Tor Piland »

OK...OK... should have done a search FIRST....I'M LEARNIN'....
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Post by JackOfClubs »

I usually go there at exactly that point. Just seems like a logical time to take a break from saving the world and there are quite a few items that can come in handy during the tougher fights.
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Post by Stilgar »

I usually do 1/2 levels of watcherskeep before going to the assylum, and to level 3 after comming out of the underdark. I save the rest for ToB.

But it doesnt realy matter in what order you do things, but i recommand waiting with the lower levels of WK untill your a rather high level. And when you inexperienced with the game, i recommand doing watcherskeep last.

But you can always try, and exit the keep when you think its to hard. But make sure you keep or store all the items you get there. Most of them are needed to solve certain puzzles.
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Post by Coot »

I think WK actually adapts somewhat to your level? If you are at a relatively low level the enemies will be a little less powerful as well.
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Post by hobitfromhell »

I did the first 2 levels of watcher's keep in SoA, right before I went to Suldenessalar. I also tried the third level, but the monsters were just too powerfull for my party at that time. I was able to get some good weapons though, which was pretty nice, and some good exp. The only real problem I had was the chromatic dragon, Imoen wasn't a high enough level for any real elemental spells and I didn't have much in the way of elemental damage stuff. The only time I could really hurt him was when he was ice and I had a wand of the heavens and flame strike.

Anyway, I would suggest that you definatly go to watcher's keep now. You should probably be able to do at least the first three levels. The fourth level is a bit hard, but doable, and I would save the 5th and demagorgon unitl right before you kill balthazar.
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